You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Create Schematic from PCB design
5299 6
sarreq 7 years ago
I'd like to have a way to create a Schematic from an existing PCB, the opposite of the "Create PCB" option in the Schematic editor. > Why is this feature important to you? It's easier for me to make my PCBs to start off, rather than the other way around. It just makes more sense to me, working with parts rather than iconography.
Tutorials 7 years ago
It is very difficult to achieve, because we don't know which one schematic lib is good for this connection. I think no one EDA will support this, maybe have, or can you me which EDA can support this? we need to study.
andyfierman 7 years ago
I have read that this is possible in Fritxing but I have not tried it.
andyfierman 7 years ago
Should have said 'Fritzing' but autocorrupt inserted a typo for me.
andyfierman 7 years ago
@sarreq, Sorry but people just do not design electronics starting with a PCB layout. Electronics design starts with ideas and sketches of circuits, not layouts. May I suggest you read this blog post: and then think about how you would start from a PCB layout and work back towards a Schematic? At the very least, every one of your PCB footprints would have to be unique for every unique component otherwise how would you know that one particular SOT23 footprint is used by a BC847 transistor but another is used for a BAV99 dual diode and a third is for a TL431 voltage reference or any one of several thousand other devices that all come on a SOT23 package. Or the hundreds of thousands of resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, LEDs TVSs, zeners, ferrite beads, fuses and so on that all come in for example an 0805 package? The underlying problem is that a many Schematic Symbols can be mapped onto the same PCB footprint whereas there is no unique mapping of a PCB footprint backwards onto a component. It is possible to do what you ask but you are working in a back to front workflow which is completely counter to the normal idea to schematic to PCB design flow. I would guess that there are very, very few other people who would use this reverse design flow so it is a very big ask for the Team to divert their resources into trying build a tool to do this.
EChutchev 7 years ago
My five cent, absolutely correct this is not the right way to design the electronics, but there is another reason to use this feature, this could be very useful when repair electronics, not all the time you can find the schematics and has to redrow from the PCB. on my opinion it could be useful feature aspecially if no one has it. this is not the first time i can see on the forums that people looking for this feature.
andyfierman 7 years ago
@EChutchev, `...this could be very useful when repair electronics, not all the time you can find the schematics and has to redrow from the PCB.` That is a good point but there is a problem with this idea. The problem is that there is no way to simply import a diagram, photo or other image of an existing PCB into EasyEDA and from that reproduce the original PCB. Therefore to recreate the target PCB, it has to be redrawn by hand. If you are going to that amount of trouble (as I have done for some of our users) then it is *much* safer (i.e. less prone to errors) to reverse engineer the PCB straight into a schematic and then - after adding in all the required part, package and other BoM information - to do `Convert Project to PCB...`. That way you can do the PCB design knowing that you already have all the connectivity, PCB footprint and BoM information correct right from the start.
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