You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Creating Teams and Adding Projects
2530 1
korishantalshin 4 years ago
It would be nice to be able to add projects to Team Groups. Right now we would have to create a whole new project. The process of adding an existing project to the Teams group is as follows: \* Create Team Group \* Go to Editor  \| Open Schematic  - Save Schematic AS and select Team Group  \| Open PCB  - Save PCB AS and select Team Group --Repeat for each Project you want to add to that team This becomes very cumbersome if you have multiple projects, sheets, pcbs you'd like to add to a Team Group The process request would be: \* Create Team Group \* Select "Add Project"  - or "Select Existing Project" \* Select the Project that's already created to add to the Team Group \* Choice:  - Move Project  - Copy Project Move Project would obviously move the project from it's current location and place it in the Team Group Copy Project would copy all the objects inside the project folder and create a duplicate inside the Team Group The Copy Project functionality "already" exists within EasyEDA. When we copy someone else's public project to our own profile, this is exactly what it does. Just give it a little extra options/inputs.
Ivan Stefanov 2 years ago
This is good suggestion. I had similar problem and as Google search showed me this topic I will share one bug which I found. If you have team project in older versions it was showed in the user project folder but in newer versions there are team group folders where they show up. What I had done was that I had subfolder in my user folder and I moved my team projects there so that they are separated and now when team group folders where added these projects still showed in the private subfolder in my account. What fixed it was simply deleting the subfolder and these projects automatically showed in the team group folder where they belong. It is a bit different problem but my solution may help someone as I initially thought that old team projects don't automatically moved to they respective group folder when team group folders where added as feature but it was just that they where in subfolder which had to be deleted. These projects were already created as team projects so move/copy feature is still missing.
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