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Creating and Editing PCB Footprints
948 4
circuit-man 5 years ago
There is a fairly easy way to open an editor to edit a schematic symbol.  However, I have found no easy way to open a PCB footprint file to edit it.  No doubt it is something easy I have overlooked, but if anyone can tell me the method, that would be fantastic!  I often end up making a new one because if I have closed the old file, I don't know how to re-open it.
andyfierman 5 years ago
Find the Schematic Symbol (SCH Libs button selected) or the PCB Footprint (PCB Libs button selected) in the SHIFT+F Search Libraries tool. If the Schematic Symbol has a PCB Footprint associated with it or if you have found the PCB Footprint directly by searching with the PCB Libs button selected, then double click on it to open it in the PCB Lib Editor. Please read (2.3) in (2) in: [](
andyfierman 5 years ago
Or select it in the Search Libraries list then click the Edit button in the lower right: ![image.png](// * p.s. you now only need to single-left-click on a Schematic Symbol or PCB Footprint to open it in the appropriate editor.
iforce2d 5 years ago
I just spent a very frustrating 20 minutes trying to figure out how to edit a footprint that I had been editing just a few minutes earlier, none of the above tips helped. Nothing was showing where the 'My Libraries' list is in Andy's screenshot, and the footprint I already had in my PCB was not even showing when searching in 'Workspace', it was totally absent. Eventually it just seemed so weird that I reloaded the browser page...... and everything was fixed!! Hope this helps somebody.
UserSupport 5 years ago
@iforce2d please you saved is pcblib,not pcb module.
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