You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Creating identical channels with offset R/C/U numbers
834 2
MikeDB 4 years ago
I'm creating a PCB with 4 identical channels.  I don't want to use EasyEDA modules as I prefer the parts to be numbered with offsets of 100, for example R1,R101,R201,R301. I copied the first channel into a second sheet and added 100 to all the part numbers and that worked fine. But now I copied it again and changed all the part numbers to 2xx but when I try to Update Design to put the new parts on the PCB, it starts replacing all the components R1, etc with R201, etc, moving R1, etc to the unconnected pile in the corner. Any ideas why it is doing this and how to get around it ?  Definitely need R1 etc in the first channel, R101 etc in the second channel and so on. ![image.png](//
UserSupport 4 years ago
1、match the PCB components prefixes with schematics 2、reset component ID via Top menu - Design - Reset Component ID, both. Done.
MikeDB 4 years ago
Thanks.   It sort of worked.  All the Rs and Cs stayed correct but a few (not all) ICs were moved to the bottom right stack.  I can put those back manually
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