You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Creating a new symbol
2654 5
emmanuelgomez 7 years ago
Hello, I created a new schematic in which I copy and pasted a rectangle with pins connected and labeled. I then highlighted all of the parts and clicked the group/ungroup symbol button in order to group all of the components and create a new symbol to use in a design schematic. So I filled in the information asked after clicking the group button, but I afterwards I can't find the new symbol I just created. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
andyfierman 7 years ago
When you create a symbol in this way, the symbol is not saved to the library, it only exists within the schematic in which it was created. You can copy and paste it from there into other schematics but is cannot be simply copied and pasted into a new Schematic Symbol Editor window. This way of creating schematic symbols and saving or copying and pasting them in a schematic sheet is a way of creating a private (i.e. not public as are all the other schematic symbols and PCB footprints) library of symbols. It is possible to convert these symbols into schematic library symbols that will appear in your `My Parts` library but you have to do it via the `Document > EasyEDA Source...` menu but it is a bit fiddly. 1. Make sure that your symbol is the only thing in a schematic sheet; 2. Ungroup it; 3. In the Schematic containing your symbol, do: `Document > EasyEDA Source...`; 4. In the `EasyEDA Source...` window that opens, copy everything from `"CA~1000~1000~#FFFFFF~yes...` to the bottom of the `EasyEDA Source...` window; 5. Do: `New > Schematic Lib`; 6. Fill in the details in the dialogue box that opens then click OK; 6. In the Schematic Lib that opens, do: `Document > EasyEDA Source...`; 7. In the `EasyEDA Source...` window that opens, highlight everything from `"CA~1000~1000~#FFFFFF~yes...` to the bottom of the `EasyEDA Source...` window; 8. Paste in the cut EasyEDA Source text from the symbol so that it replaces all the highlighted text; 9. Click `Apply`; 10. Save the new Schematic Lib sheet; 12. Your part is now saved publically into `More Libraries > My Parts`.
emmanuelgomez 7 years ago
Thank you. Appreciate the help!
PaulEngineer 7 years ago
Hi! Ummm can you add the antenna in libraries? It would be very good. Add speaker and motor and you will have a full circuit creator site Best regards PaulEngineer
andyfierman 7 years ago
There are several schematic symbols already in the library. You will also find a (simulatable) speaker and a couple of (simulatable) motor symbols in `System Components > Spice parts`
andyfierman 7 years ago
Sorry, meant to say: `There are several antenna schematic symbols already in the SHIFT+F searcheable library.`
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