I have made two custom components in EASY EDA, I will be talking about the Male Header 1x4 2.00mm pitch as created by me.
Here is what I am facing as an issue.
My schematic has two NET Ports RXD and TXD
The NET Port names on both the component on the LEFT (U1) and the Right (U2) are same. U2 is my custom component.
When i "update PCB", The connections dont seem to appear between U2 and U1
![Capture PCB.jpg](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/YR1TjB2R76eoQPhes36cpxWSga1yJNO1Ttoqq3lU.jpeg)
I have linked both the PCB Lib and the schematic Lib so the footprint does appear, but seems like connections on the schematic to the custom component do not show up in the PCB. Here is the screenshot of this component in the Footprint Manager
![Capture FM.jpg](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/qxsSfJCJ8cWvtta2Gj42YYqFDgCxcIi6pVKb5uCU.jpeg)
Please advise if there is a step I have missed in creating the component.