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Cut and Paste Symbol from Schematic to Schematic Lib
1441 3
thepigs 7 years ago
First off - I really like EasyEDA you've done a great job. Now my issue: I created a symbol in a schematic. Now I want to reuse it. Is there a way to paste a symbol I created on a schematic into a Schematic Lib? Intuitively I thought'Copying' the symbol in the schematic and then 'Pasting' into the Schematic Lib should work, but the Paste option is disabled for the Schematic Lib. Ta!
andyfierman 7 years ago
@thepigs, Welcome to EasyEDA. Here's how: 1) Select the symbol. 2) Click on `Group/Ungroup Symbol...` ![enter image description here][1] 3) The symbol is now just a collection of drawing elements. ![enter image description here][2] 4) Reselect the whole symbol. ![enter image description here][3] 5) Copy the whole symbol. 6) Do **New > Schematic Lib** and fill in the details. 7) Paste it into the new Schematic Lib. 8) Fill in and/or add Supplier, (and the supplier part number in the named supplier slot under the selected supplier name), Package, Manufacturer, Manufacturer Part and Description attributes. 9) ave it with a unique name. 10) Do a **SHIFT+F** library search for your new part and then do **Right-click > Modify** on the entry to add a description to the library information, including a link to a manufacturer or supplier device page and a link to a manufacturuer or supplier datasheet. 11) Search for the part again and reselect it in the library then **Place** the new symbol in the schematic. This creates a new public symbol so anyone can find it and add it to their local librar by clicking **Favorite**. [1]: /editor/20171116/5a0d4f504a938.png [2]: /editor/20171116/5a0d525ac8612.png [3]: /editor/20171116/5a0d527f920ab.png
thepigs 7 years ago
@andyfierman Thanks for your reply but I couldn't get that to work. Would I be right in thinking that you should be able to copy a single drawing shape from a Schematic into a Schematic Lib? eg. Create new Schematic, add a rectangle, copy the rectangle (by clicking the copy icon), Create a new Schematic lib, paste the rectangle (by clicking the paste icon).
andyfierman 7 years ago
Oops. Sorry about that! I've used that approach successfully in the past but it seems to not work now. There should at least be a warning that you can't do that when you try to paste into the Schematic Lib. **But there is another way that I just checked and does work...** 1) Copy the symbol into a new, blank schematic sheet. 2) Select the symbol in this new sheet. 2) Click on `Group/Ungroup Symbol...` ![enter image description here][1] 3) The symbol is now just a collection of drawing elements. ![enter image description here][2] 4) Do **Document > EasyEDA Source...** 5) Select and Copy all the text starting at `"CA~` to the end of the window. ![enter image description here][3] 6) Do **New > Schematic Lib** and fill in the details - including using a unique name - then click OK. 7) Do **Document > EasyEDA Source...** 8) Select all the text starting at `"CA~` to the end of the window. ![enter image description here][4] 9) Paste. 10) Click **Apply**. ![enter image description here][5] 11) Fill in and/or add (using **Add new parameter**) Supplier, (and the supplier part number in the named supplier slot under the selected supplier name), Package, Manufacturer, Manufacturer Part and Description attributes in the right hand panel. ![enter image description here][6] 12) Save the new symbol. 13) Do a **SHIFT+F** library search for your new part and then do **Right-click > Modify** on the entry to add a description to the library information, including a link to a manufacturer or supplier device page and a link to a manufacturer or supplier datasheet. 14) Search for the part again and reselect it in the library then **Place** the new symbol in the schematic. This creates a new public symbol so anyone can find it and add it to their local library by clicking **Favorite**. [1]: /editor/20171116/5a0d8c3b0973d.png [2]: /editor/20171116/5a0d8c690638a.png [3]: /editor/20171116/5a0d8e4d730cd.png [4]: /editor/20171116/5a0d8ff6c630d.png [5]: /editor/20171116/5a0d90702df87.png [6]: /editor/20171116/5a0d908e30051.png
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