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DRC Check Errors
1426 4
NuttyProfessor47 6 years ago
I have used IPC recomendations as the basis for setting my track widths and spacing, and standardised on 0.25mm width and spacing for most of my board. However, if I set the DRC rules to the same value, 0.25mm for track width and all spacings, ALL tracks show a DRC error. The DRC check will NOT accept a track width equal to the defined minimum. It MUST be greater. Setting the DRC minimum to 0.249mm for actual widths of 0.25mm fixes the problem. Surely the minimum should be exactly that, a minimum ALLOWABLE value?  I wonder if this is linked to the issue of Gerber not being able to identify the minimum track width?
andyfierman 6 years ago
@NuttyProfessor47, This may be related to the recent dimensional resolution change from 2 to 3 significant figures. Some users are reporting problems due to rounding after this change.
NuttyProfessor47 6 years ago
@andyfierman Quite possibly. Now I know the DRC minimum isn't really, I can compensate. The other issue I'm now having is a surfeit of hole sizes. By reference to the component data sheets I should need 8 hole sizes. In practice this could be rationalised down to 4 - e.g. components with wire sizes from 0.5 to 0.6mm could all use 0.9mm hole and 1.6mm pad. My Gerber drill file contains 15 different dril sizes, some of them only between 0.002mm and 0.01mm different. Are there ways to: a)  rationalise the hole/pad sizes used for component PCB footprints without recreating all my own personal clones of everything? b)  globally change groups of holes in the Gerber files?
andyfierman 6 years ago
(a) Not in EasyEDA. (b) The drill file is only a text file so you can edit that but unless you edit the rest of the files you could end up with pads having holes that are smaller then the inner copper diameter or pads where the drill hole takes out too much of the overall copper annulus. I don't know of any free Gerber editing software.
NuttyProfessor47 6 years ago
@andyfierman Thank you. I think I'll be updating the packages associated with components in my schematic and then "update PCB". Hopefully I'll then be able to tell whether the conversion to Gerber takes account of plating thickness when determining the drill size, or not, because I have already allowed for it in setting the hole size in the pad, and the pad size relative to it.
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