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DRC Error - in error?
1259 7
martin 6 years ago
Hello, I may be doing something wrong here, but I am getting DRC errors I don't understand. In this instance, I am getting a track to track error for minimum distance 0.152mm for a track whose distance to others is much more. See below. Is something off on my end, or is it a bug ? ![Screen Shot 2018-07-26 at 8.21.35 AM.png](// ![Screen Shot 2018-07-26 at 8.21.58 AM.png](// It's almost like there is an invisible "LED\_BANK\_2" track\. Any way to fix it ?
andyfierman 6 years ago
Have you got two LED\_BANK\_2 traces\, one overlapping the other? What happens if you zoom in and click on an outer edge of the LED\_BANK\_2 trace where you have shown in you image: ![image.png](//
martin 6 years ago
I can't select the second "invisible" one. I can even delete the "real" track, and the other remains. Nothing I seem able to do.
martin 6 years ago
Double-clicked on the net to unroute it; got rid of the invisible track. Good! Think that may happen when you merge nets on the PCB, then make the change in the schematic after. There's some wonkiness in that flow.
andyfierman 6 years ago
Bad idea to edit the PCB then the schematic. The Design Flow in EasyEDA is from schematic to PCB, not the other way round. There are some notes about that in: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Welcome\_to\_EasyEDA\-31e1288f882e49e582699b8eb7fe9b1f](
martin 6 years ago
I get that. But I'd strive to address it. Sometimes, especially with a uController, layout informs schematic connections... To play in the big leagues, an EDA mustn't make the user second-guess themselves or their tool...
Tutorials 6 years ago
If you can't find this error at design manager, and re-open PCB it will disappear,  it is a known issue, we will fix it.
martin 6 years ago
Hi Tutorials, in this particular instance, it did not disappear between page refreshes...
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