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DRC Not working Correct
827 15
Hendrik Pas 5 years ago
Hello all, I have noticed the following when the DRC is started. When one makes the copper traces in the PCB manually, the DRC does not indicate that connections that have not yet been made that there are no errors. In reality, because these connections are not present, a print is generated that is error-free. This causes the error to be generated in the gerber file. However, the PCB is then unusable. Hendrik
andyfierman 5 years ago
Not sure what you're describing. Screenshots to clarify please?
Hendrik Pas 5 years ago
Problem 1 I don't have this deleted and make new PCB already.. Will make a Screen shot by next time . But maybe You make a simple schematic convert it to PCB and just forgot 1 conection to make on the PCB Board. Manuel routing. Hendrik
Hendrik Pas 5 years ago
Schamatic was delete
andyfierman 5 years ago
Can you post  a simple public project  to illustrate this? Or an animated gif to illustrate the issue?
Hendrik Pas 5 years ago
I have it now a simple schematic and PCB in the publik Domien. Grt Hendrik.
andyfierman 5 years ago
And the url to your public project is?
andyfierman 5 years ago
Please remember that it is helpful to us all for you to post the url to your public project when asking for help. Assuming that this: []( is the project  that you are having a problem with then sorry but I can't see any problem: ![image.png](// It tracked OK for me with no DRC errors. :)
andyfierman 5 years ago
Ah,,,, Did you remember to Refresh your DRC list? ![image.png](//
Hendrik Pas 5 years ago
@andyfierman Hello Andy, Seems the problem is solved already. Thks a lot for Your help. :)
Hendrik Pas 5 years ago
@hendrikpas55 ![2019-06-24.png](//
Hendrik Pas 5 years ago
Pin 2  to pin6  from U1 is not connected but when I run DRC  Error 0. "PCB print try DRC"![2019-06-24 (2).png](// Hendrik
andyfierman 5 years ago
@hendrikpas55, What you see is entirely correct and is consistent. ![image.png](// The missing connection is shown by the cross by the R2_1 net. This is showing that routing of this net is incomplete. The DRC shows 0 errors because there are no _DRC_ errors. A missing connection is not a DRC error. It is a net connectivity error and that is exactly what the Design manager is showing you.
Hendrik Pas 5 years ago
The color blue is not good to see. Maybe it beter to make it White or Yellow. So that peaple can see that the track is not made. So You get a PCB when order that is complete. Can I change the color by my self or can it made so that You don't have to change it?
andyfierman 5 years ago
In  (4) and (6) of (2) in: []( are two **essential** checklists to go through before converting a schematic to PCBs and then before ordering the PCB. You should never submit a pcb for fab until you have zero warnings and drc errors. The Design Manager shows any incomplete nets (white cross on a red background) so you can check your PCB for where they are. I agree however that some way to make  the ratlines more visible is a good idea. Please post a Feature Request for this (there may already be one you could add to).
Hendrik Pas 5 years ago
Andy, Tanks a lot for your answers. It help me very well. Next time I will keep in mind what You told in this topic. I will do my best to use all topics in a way so it is to use. Greatings Hendrik.
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