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DRC failures with switch/connector shielding pads
708 4
Peterg17 6 years ago
Hi, My PCB has a number of USB connections and metal bodied switches, presumably connected to "pads" which can be soldered in place. The shielding in my application is fairly critical. I presume that the shield connection on a USB connector appears on the metal jacket. As an example, consider the part [https://lcsc\.com/product\-detail/USB\-Connectors\_USB\-A\-F\-900\-Ordinary\-buckle\-Cracked\-feet\-Not\-high\-temperature\_C2345\.html]( So I make connections between pads to carry the shielding connection. However this results in DRC errors. I am happy to ignore these of course. But I thought I would ask, possibly save me a redo. Regards, Peter
UserSupport 6 years ago
Hi Please check the connected objects if the net name were different, if yes, please change them as the same.
andyfierman 6 years ago
If I place this part into a PCB and then connect one or both of the shield connections to a net then the pads on the connector briefly flash up a DRC error but then change to the connecting netname. The Design Manager does not indicate any DRC errors. This works whether I place the PCB Footprint directly into the PCB or I place the Schematic Symbol into a schematic and then do Convert to PCB... or Update PCB... (or Import Changes... in the PCB Editor).
Peterg17 6 years ago
Thanks. I had 3 nets named S$168 etc. I renamed all the tracks and pads to shields. It would be helpful to have a 5'th terminal on the schematic for USB connections to represent the shield connection, which is not supposed to be connected to the ground line. As it is, there is no indication in the schematic where the shield connection is.
LCSC 6 years ago
Just added one... YJ\-USB\-AF\-02\-Y\-Fe\_w\_GND\_PINS
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