You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
DXF rounded pentagons import as circles.
1131 9
mrtom528 4 years ago
This has me the title says, importing a rounded pentagon drawn in Adobe Illustrator imports as a circle in EasyEDA... Without rounding the corners, 3, 4 and 5 sided paths import just fine... ![EASYEDA-IMAGES-01.jpg](// Rounding the corners on just the 3 and 4 sided paths also imports just fine... ![EASYEDA-IMAGES-02.jpg](// Rounding the pentagon fails to import correctly, EasyEDA turns it into a circle... ![EASYEDA-IMAGES-03.jpg](// Rounded hexagons are OK too... ![EASYEDA-IMAGES-04.jpg](// So what does EasyEDA have against pentagons? More importantly, how do I get EasyEDA to like pentagons and not change them into circles? The DXF file used can be found [HERE](<br> <br> Many thanks. Regards.
mrtom528 4 years ago
UPDATE: After more testing I have discovered that it is not just 5 sided poplygons that do not import correctly but any polygon with rounded corners, but, the radius of those corners influences whether or not it imports as rounded, or as a circle. The limit for 3 and 4 sided polygons is a 17mm radius, anything above that and it imports as a circle. 6 sided polygons have a limit of 13mm. 5 sided polygons are limited to just a 2mm radius before EASYEDA deems them as circular. ![I_DUNNO.jpg](// I have opened the dxf file using non-Adobe software and also with free online dxf viewers which all showed the file to be correct, so it's probably safe to assume it's not a problem with exporting the dxf file from Illustrator. Is this a known problem with EASYEDA that I have overlooked? Thank-you. Regards.
MrToM 4 years ago
I was rather hoping that the last update to 6.4.17 would fix this but alas, it did not. _ ![Untitled-1.jpg](// _ Regards.
andreasbernhofer 4 years ago
You should change the category of the topic to "bug reports"
MrToM 4 years ago
@andreasbernhofer, I did wonder about that so....tiz done! Thank-you. _ Regards.
MrToM 3 years ago
Still not fixed in _ Regards.
MrToM 3 years ago
Still not fixed in _ Regards.
UserSupport 3 years ago
Hi please send your DXF to []( thanks
MrToM 3 years ago
@UserSupport, Thank-you. _ File sent via e-mail. _ Regards.
MrToM 3 years ago
Sadly, still not fixed in _ Regards
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