You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
DXF's Created by EasyEDA not readable in Inventor
458 1
cjohnson 1 year ago
I have been working with Autodesk to get a DXF issue resolved. When importing DXF’s we are getting an error in Inventor. Please see the case below: []( I have received a response back from Autodesk developer: <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><span class="size"></span></span> "The problem is in the dxf file itself NOT in RealDWG. The layer objects in the dxf file reference handle 21 as the material.  The problem is that handle 21 is the handle of an AcDbBlockEnd object NOT a material object. If you open the dxf file in a non-prod AutoCAD or a RealDWG app built using non-prod RealDWG, you will get an assert that is triggered when a layer with a bad material id is closed.  The assert comes from non-prod only code that checks to see if the id is a valid material id and asserts if it is not. I tried opening the file in AutoCAD using the RECOVER command, but our audit/recover complex does not fix bad layer material ids.  Also, recover says that the handseed value in the dxf file is too low (which it does fix), so that’s another problem that could lead to issues." Can we submit this to be fixed in the next version of EasyEDA please?
cjohnson 1 year ago
@UserSupport ??
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