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Default Prefix Font/Width/Height
830 1
EdHayes3 3 years ago
I constantly change my component prefix/designator line width and height to something different. I wish there was a way to set a default. For example, when I place a new resistor on the PCB, it defaults to .152 mm width, and 1.143 mm height. I would prefer .1 width and .8 height. Wish there was a user setting or project setting to set those defaults.
andyfierman 3 years ago
Note that 0.1mm width is below the 0.153mm minimum legend line width quoted by JLCPCB:  [](<br> <br> You can simplify resizing text dimensions using the Find similar Objects... tool. Select a prefix. Find Similar Objects... Set it up to select all prefixes. The right hand panel will show all attributes common to the selection which will include height and width. Edit height and width as required.
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