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Different width for conductors of one logical track in a PCB
240 2
ogogon 1 year ago
Colleagues, tell me, please, how can I solve my problem - I want one logical track to sometimes have a different width. I will explain my problem in order to make the question more clear. I'm designing a PCB for a USB hub. I need the power lines connecting the USB child connectors (4 dupont pins) to be able to supply power to an arbitrary USB device. But at the same time, the conductors supplying power to the chips and logic circuits of the hub itself do not require a large load capacity and can be very compact. **How do I explain to the PCB routing system that the power and ground lines should be extended to some elements, and normal to others?** Thanks for the tips and advice, Ogogon.
andyfierman 1 year ago
"How do I explain to the PCB routing system that the power and ground lines should be extended to some elements, and normal to others?" You just did. For this sort of routing, you are the PCB routing system. The Autorouter in EasyEDA is not clever enough to deal with routing nets with different widths along the same net or on branches off it so you have to route such tracks manually first and then tell the Autorouter to ignore them when you run it.
ResistanceRoom 1 year ago
Honestly, in most cases you should route things manually anyway.
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