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Differential pairs throws lots of DRC errors
719 1
tobalt 5 years ago
Hi, I am using the diff. pair router to create several pairs on the board. First I set the design rules for the corresponding pair nets. Then route. It looks all nice visually and it connects flawlessly. Then, however the DRC checker throws a lot of error for clearence on exactly those differential pairs that were created using the differential pair tool.. Even more strangely: It does not happen on all pairs, but spuriously. In the image for example. CLK1 shows a clearence error and CLK0 does not. I suspect that it is an internal rounding issue, and then the DRC checker thinks that some gaps are 0.001 mm too narrow or something. After all, the Diff. Pair Router routs at exactly the design rule clearence, so any slight rounding error will produce this fluke error. Therefore I post this in BUGS. ![diff pair drc.jpg](//
UserSupport 5 years ago
Hi Yes, EasyEDA at present does't support fanout, it will appear this issue. please ignore it or modify it manually.
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