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Dimension draws only a yellow line, but no dimension (on PCB)
2143 11
as_axelschmidt 9 years ago
**BUG** Concise problem statement: On PCB I want to measure distance between two components. Click on Dimension of PCB Tools box. Place Crosshair to first position, click, go to next position, click. (Hotkey M works!) Results: Just a yellow line, no arrows, no number. Expected results: yellow line, two arrows, number Browser: Safari 9.0.3
andyfierman 9 years ago
I have seen something like this happen where the **Dimension** line has to be longer than some minimum length before the arrow heads and dimension text appears. Even of the line has been dragged long enough to make the text appear, reducing it again hides the arrow heads and the text again too. I have seen this happen on small PCBs where the dimension line is short. I have raised an internal Bug Report about this. * Be a bit careful using the `M` key to end the Dimension line. This does not really end the **Dimension** line but rather it exits the **Dimension** line drawing mode and then enters the **Measure** line drawing mode. The **Measure** line drawing mode is not the same as the **Dimension** line drawing mode. Please note that the `M` Hotkey draws a thin, temporary line between when the cursor is first left clicked and where it is left clicked again. The second left click brings up a text box with `dX`, `dY`, `length` and `angle` information. Clicking **OK** in this box then closes it and deletes the line. After pressing `M` and starting the Measure line with the first left click, if a right click is then executed, the Measure line will be left on the PCB drawing. This line cannot be deleted in the usual way by trying to select it and then pressing the `DEL` key. To remove this line, press `M` again and then left click to end the new Measure line and click on **OK** to close the new text box and delete the line. * If you have a yellow line then you are drawing your dimensions on the top silk screen layer. If you want the dimensions to not be on the silk screen (even if they end up outside the board outline), you might like to put them on the white `Documentation` layer. :)
andyfierman 9 years ago
Sorry, I'm being stupid. This **is** a Bug Report! Just to be clear, the Bug is: The **Dimension** line has to be longer than some minimum length before the arrow heads and dimension text appears. Even of the line has been dragged long enough to make the text appear, reducing it again hides the the arrow heads and text again too. I have seen this happen on small PCBs where the dimension line is short. :)
as_axelschmidt 9 years ago
Andy, you are not stupid ;) , the minimum length is on my PCB 13.97mm (Grid dependent?). Below I see the missing arrows and number exactly as you describe it. Above everything is OK. That's "your" bug ;)
dillon 9 years ago
Yes, the dimension has minimum length, if too small, no space to show. you can use hotkey `M` to measure.
andyfierman 9 years ago
Sometimes there is a need to indicate a small dimension in the PCB layout so it would be good to find a way to show smaller dimensions. For example in LibreOffice Draw, if the Dimension line is less than some critical length, the arrows pop outside the line and the text moves to the outside end of one of the arrows. Like this: ![file:///home/andy/easyeda/images/dimensions.png][1] [1]: /editor/20160131/56ade8b2830de.png
as_axelschmidt 9 years ago
Yep, that's the perfect solution! Dreaming: Take dimension not (only) as a measure tool but consider it as a constrain to arrange components (Outlines, not pads!!!!). Means: Back of component x (line on silk layer e.g.) has a distance of x mm, mil to whatever (outline, another line, another pad center....) Use case: 1.: Motor controller, 12 Mosfet (TO-220), arranged in 2 rows, attached with the back right and left to a bar of aluminiun as heatsink, 12mm thick. 2.: Dashboard: Indicator Led and buttons have to be arranged according to a drawing. Placement is package related, not pad related Problem: How to handle off grid pads.....
hwiguna 8 years ago
I'd like to make a suggestion that the limit for hiding the dimension text should be decreased. Currently it stops showing dimensions when less than 0.55". There is still plenty of room to display dimension for smaller distances. If we're worried that it makes the screen too crowded, maybe make that a preferences option? Having distance shown in the properties pane on the right would also be helpful. Thank you! ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20160912/57d6350057ad5.JPG
support 8 years ago
@Hwiguna Thanks for your sugesstion, next version, it will be better. , Please note, EasyEDA has a measure tool, Hot key
support 8 years ago
@Hwiguna Next version, the font size can be changed, and the can use it for 0.01inch . Don't forget to use M key to measure for 0.1mil ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20160912/57d643d3bb2fd.png
hwiguna 8 years ago
@support, I didn't know about the measure tool! That's really handy for making quick checks! Thank you!
hwiguna 8 years ago
@support , thank for fixing smaller distances so quickly! Now that I know about the measure tool, it is no problem to wait until next version is released. Excellent work!!!
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