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Display Frequency in Waveform
1491 9
ikrananka 4 years ago
Is it possible for EasyEDA to calculate the frequency of a transient voltage from the Waveform?  I know I could tediously figure this out manually but I'm surprised there isn't a simple option to just show the frequency of the waveform on screen.  Here's an example of the waveform I have: ![Untitled.jpg](//
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
Hello ; Please to configure and select what to display on the waveform by pressing "ctrl+j" before start running the simulation. On how to configure a frequency display please to read the following doc : [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
@ikrananka, @JLCPCBsupport, Please note that the document pointed to by the link: []( Is out of date and and should not be used because it refers to the earlier Ngspice engined version of simulation in EasyEDA. The most up to date version of the Simulation Tutorial is in (3) in (2) in: []( but the section on Measurements of simulation results is not yet updated so will not work in LTspice. The basic idea is the same in LTspice as in Ngspice but the implementation is simpler in LTspice and can work using .param defined parameters defined in the simulation without needing to invoke a separate set of (.csparam) parameters that Ngspice needs (LTspice does not have a concept of .csparam anyway). I am working on the document and will post back when that section is updated but in the meanwhile please have a look at **.measure** in Help in a locally installed copy of LTspiceXVII or in here: [](
example 4 years ago
@ikrananka, The following sim now works in LTspice: Measuring WaveForm parameters 02: [,id=bcd3a7d6b7b9451db9c2cb2c1e3ce2e3](,id=bcd3a7d6b7b9451db9c2cb2c1e3ce2e3) and should show you how to measure things like frequency from the simulation results. There are several other sims in that collection that demonstrate use of the .meas statements and run OK except for the one measuring settling time which has not been updated yet. The section on the syntax of the .meas statements in the simulation Tutorial is also not yet up to date and still refers to the old Ngspice versions of the staements which are subtly different from LTspice.
andyfierman 4 years ago
The section on **Making measurements of simulation results** in the Simulation Tutorial is now up to date with all examples working.
ikrananka 4 years ago
Thanks guys, but I'm very much a newbie and am still confused.  I'm modelling a simple two transistor astable multivibrator that generates a waveform with a frequency of around 10.3Hz (by manual calculation from the waveform).  However, I cannot get the ,meas command to work.  I'm running the simulation for 10 seconds and the frequency calculation needs to ignore the first 1 seconds as the waveform is not fully established at that point.  This is my command at the moment: .tran 0 10000m 0 1000u .meas tran meas_freq How do I get it to refer to my specific voltage probe with is named volProbe1 ? Thanks
andyfierman 4 years ago
Your project is private so only you can see it. Please go back and read: [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
There's an example in the section about using the .meas commands in the Simulation Tutorial that specifically illustrates how to measure the frequency of a waveform.
andyfierman 4 years ago
andyfierman 4 years ago
Just added that last one... This one: [,id=bcd3a7d6b7b9451db9c2cb2c1e3ce2e3](,id=bcd3a7d6b7b9451db9c2cb2c1e3ce2e3) which show how to measure frequency along with many other parameters, has been in the Simulation Tutorial from day one. :)
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