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Does anyone know a part number that fits the package layout of the DB37M-90?
1175 4
debbieking_98 8 years ago
Hi, Does anyone know a connector that fits the DB37M-90 layout? I designed my board with the DB37M-90 dsub 37 connector found in the general packages library. But now I cannot find a connector that fits that layout. Every connector I have found has the mounting holes aligned with the contact holes. Thanks.
support 8 years ago
Hi, We just help you to build a symbol, you can search `DB37M-90`, EasyEDA is really easy to build symbol and package, if you try , you will find you can save lots of time to ask and wait :). ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20160406/570465c1bfa68.png
andyfierman 8 years ago
@L51r8, If you find the pinout drawing for a suitable connector from a supplier, it easy to edit any of the DB37 connector footprints that you can find in the EasyEDA library (in the generic or by using the Shift+F search) to create the part you want. You can then save the part to My Parts where it will then be shared publicly. Please add documentation to your footprint and/or symbol to clearly identify the part, including links to datasheet and supplier codes if possible. :)
debbieking_98 8 years ago
@andyfierman Thanks for the suggestion. I have created my own parts before. The only problem is I've already had my boards printed. So now I either need to find a connector that matches whats on my board, or start drilling. So I was hoping that someone has found a connector that matches the DB37M-90 package footprint.@support
debbieking_98 8 years ago
@support I have already printed the boards with the package that you referenced. But I can not find a connector to fit in it. I was hoping someone knew of a connector that fit this footprint. Given that its provided as a "Standard Package" in your library, I assumed there should be connectors that work with it.
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