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Draw an Overbar/Overline in EasyEDA
1676 4
jrtwine 4 years ago
I would like to have the ability to annotate a pin/signal/network using an overbar to indicate a not/inverted signal or an active low signal.  For example, the `RESET` signal on some CPUs is active low and is represented by either an overbar (`R̅E̅S̅E̅T̅`) or by placing a slash in front of the signal name (`/RESET`). Another tool supports overbars by enclosing something in tilde characters, so that entering a value of `~RESET~` yields `R̅E̅S̅E̅T̅` on the schematic design surface. This would be a useful feature to implement in the EasyESA. Thanks! Peace! -=- James.
andyfierman 4 years ago
LTspice natively allows a leading underscore as the negate or NOT signifier but unfortunately this is not supported via EasyEDA schematic capture. Also the `~` tilde character is a reserved character in EasyEDA as part of the json file formatting.
jrtwine 4 years ago
@andyfierman Thanks for the reply.  The use of the tilde was a suggestion and even then only as part of the UI - once received by the application, it could be converted and/or handled by whatever means necessary, and the actual tilde character does not have to make it into the back-end data.  Following existing conventions, the software could use a single forward slash as the NOT/LOW indicator and a double-slash as an _escaped slash_ allowing its direct use.  This would allow for various combinations such as: ``` /RESET -->  R̅E̅S̅E̅T̅ /BS///BA -->  B̅S̅/B̅A̅ /DMA//MHOLD -->  D̅M̅A̅/MHOLD DMA///MREC -->  DMA/M̅R̅E̅C̅ ``` There are plenty of ways that this could be handled, even with a different character such as an underscore.  Also, yes I am aware that this is "not supported" in EasyEDA, hence the reason I chose the **Feature Requests** section of the forum. :) Peace! -=- James.
Serbur 3 years ago
Still nothing done :(
kiernansnider1 1 year ago
That's a shame this was never implemented, currently wishing this was a feature myself.
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