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EELib missing 3D models
1225 7
Miopicman 3 years ago
I have discovered four EELib components that do not have 3D models and they are:- Switch Key: K4-6x6_SMD Connector USB: USB-Type A_Male Connector USB: USB-Micro_2 Connector: HDR-IDC-2.54-2x10P For the sake of completeness and to avoid confusion may I politely suggest to the EDA team that the models for these components be added. Thanks Additional: So far only one has been given a 3D model i.e. the USB-Micro_2. We eagerly await for the others to be updated.![Comps-without-3D-models](//
MikeDB 3 years ago
Even basics like 0402 and 0603 seem to be missing.  You have to change them to R0402 or C0402 to get anything to show
Miopicman 3 years ago
@MikeDB I can't seem to find the basic 0402 and 0603 in EELib. Hence I'm not able to see if their 3D model is missing.
andyfierman 3 years ago
In the left hand panel, select a resistor or capacitor then click on the down arrow in the lower right corner of the box.
andyfierman 3 years ago
Miopicman 3 years ago
@andyfierman Am I missing something here? My original bug was about missing 3D models \- all the resistors R\_X\_EU and R\_AXIAL\_X\_EU in the LH panel are not basic \( i\.e\. 0402\, 0602 according to MikeDB\) and they all have 3D models\. What does MikeDB mean by basic 0402 and 0602? I have checked every component in EELib and there are now only 3 without a 3D model. They are:- USB-Type A_male HDR-IDC-2.54-2x10P K4-6X6_SMD Please read the last (additional) line of my original bug report
andyfierman 3 years ago
@Miopicman, @MikeDB, "What does MikeDB mean by basic 0402 and 0602?" Sorry, I thought they would be the ones in the EELib. Maybe Mike is referring to the parts in the System library? ![image.png](//
Miopicman 3 years ago
@andyfierman Oh, I see - that makes sense. Of the 14 I searched in the Library, using Search Engine 'EasyEDA' and Type '3D Model', 5 did not have 3D models.
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