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ESP_PICO_D4 access to the ground pin?
572 6
gusisin 3 years ago
I am quite new to this but I am having an issue with [This component]( the footprint is below. No matter what I try the autorouter will never find pin 49 the only ground pin on the chip (49 is in the middle). I wont ever understand why espressif didnt place ground on the external pins but hey. ![image.png](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
Your project is private so only you can see it. You have posted no screenshots or other information about you schematic or PCB. Please read: [](<br> <br> including the documents that it links to. * "I am quite new to this..." You have not chosen the easiest of projects from which to start learning about Schematic Capture and PCB design. * "No matter what I try the autorouter will never find pin 49 the only ground pin on the chip (49 is in the middle)." Using the autorouter on this PCB will create far more problems than it solves. You must manually lay out and route this board. The only reliable grounding option for this device is to use at least a 2 layer PCB. Suppose that you place the part on the top layer of a 2 layer PCB. The GND pad (pin 49) is connected by multi-layer vias to all other layers on the PCB so create a copper area or a solid region, assigned to the GND net, enclosing all the vias on the bottom layer. Then route the GND net on the bottom layer to this copper area. Make sure that you have several vias connecting the GND copper on the top and bottom layers together to reduce the impedance between the GND on these two layers. The datasheet from LCSC is not helpful regarding layout advice so you may need to go hunting for applications notes for more information about recommended PCB layout. Here is a much more useful version of the datasheet with links to other essential resources, including: [https://www\.espressif\.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32\-pico\-d4\_datasheet\_en\.pdf](<br> <br> You MUST read and pay special attention to the schematic advice for support circuitry, power supply decoupling, PCB layout, routing and component placement for this device. Failure to do so WILL result in poor or unreliable performance. [http://espressif\.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32\_hardware\_design\_guidelines\_en\.pdf](<br> <br> * "I wont ever understand why espressif didnt place ground on the external pins but hey." That is a valid design choice by Espressif Systems that you will have to work with. :)
gusisin 3 years ago
Thank you so very much I will make the design public. Yes autoroute does make some odd choices for sure I will try as you say with the ground I am sure that it will need to be multi layer.
andyfierman 3 years ago
With careful hand routing, you can get a good design on two layers. More than 2 layers gets expensive!
Markus_ee 3 years ago
Hi gusisin! If you need help in manual routing, I'm happy to help. I draw every circuit board that I design on manual routing. Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
gusisin 3 years ago
Dear all, Thanks for the responses. I am actually looking to build a small as possible ESP32 with PMU6050 installed that allows for battery recharging on board so I am happy to pay for smaller as size is the critical factor for my use case. Markus, I would very much take some help and guidance. The unit I am building has a small ribbon connection with the same pinouts as the lilygo twristband so the ftdi unit that they have can be used to connect. Markus if you are interested can I share it with you? Gus
Markus_ee 3 years ago
Thanks for sharing it for me, I'm quite interested of helping out. Lets discuss the details at private message chat a bit further. -Markus
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