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ETA EasyEDA Pro desktop client
514 8
NTSGmbH 2 years ago
Is there any ETA when the desktop client for the Pro version will be available? The performance on the web version is great, I'm just not a big fan of using the web version in regards to file saving etc. I really want to use half offline mode.
Miraculix200 2 years ago
It's already available
andyfierman 2 years ago
@miraculix200, Where from? ![Screenshot_20220626-160918_Chrome.jpg](// It's not been released on the EasyEDA Products > Desktop Client > Download > Professional Edition page yet: [](
NTSGmbH 2 years ago
@miraculix200 yea, but only as the web version. I'm looking for the desktop client. If you found the desktop client I would love to know where to download it
NTSGmbH 2 years ago
I just figured out that it is available on the Chinese website. It is mostly translated and works great. the activation file is available on the English site
andyfierman 2 years ago
@ntsgmbh, Thanks for letting us know. I think this is the link: [](
Miraculix200 2 years ago
@andyfierman wtf. When I looked a few days ago, it was available on that download page. Only the activation link was in chinese (but I found another activation link through the installation tutorial)
andyfierman 2 years ago
The Desktop Client for EasyEDA Pro is back availsble for download: [](
andyfierman 2 years ago
Sorry: couldn't see the full width of the page on my phone: Linux and Windows only at the moment.
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