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Easy EDA Component Replacement
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lucasagexpress 1 year ago
![Board.JPG](// I am trying to replace C1 that is on the board with the bigger C1. How can I do this and still have it keep the net connections? or can I change the net connections on the bigger C1?
James M. 1 year ago
Just truing to change the footprint?  Open the schematic, select C1, then click the footprint in the right panel.  This will bring up the footprint selection screen.  On the right hand side, select the option to search footprints.  Then, input the size you are looking for and hit the search button (magnifying glass).  This will probably bring up several options.  You can click through them to bring up a preview.  ONce you find the one you want, click the "update footprint" button.  I always click twice as I've hit a bug where the first click might not make the change.  Then save the schematic and click the "Update PCB" button.  This will update C1 on the PCB without changing the nets nor position (most of the time the position won't change).
Markus_ee 1 year ago
Hi! Component replacement should work on schematic side without any problems. You should change the capacitor in the schematic side and then convert/update the PCB. That should work. Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
Doug Gale 1 year ago
I don't do anything special. I just delete it in the schematic, replace it with the replacement part, update the PCB, and it updates it in place. It is safest to do one at a time, because you have to add them back in the order you deleted them, to avoid switching the nets around.
andyfierman 1 year ago
@lucasagexpress, "I am trying to replace C1 that is on the board with the bigger C1." Talking about changing the “size” of a part is a confusing term. Does this refer to: * the value; * the power or voltage rating;  * the physical dimensions and if it is the physical dimensions, does that affect the PCB Footprint (a capacitor may be bigger by being taller without changing the diameter and pin pitch)? Usually when this question is asked, it refers to the PCB Footprint of a part. The Footprint for a part is changed by editing the Footprint assigned to the Schematic Symbol in the schematic. However, if only the Footprint is changed then the BoM information will be wrong. For example: a 1k 1% metal film resistor in an 1206 package is a different part from a 1k 1% metal film resistor in an 0805 package. This is because it will have a different: * power dissipation * manufacturer part number * supplier part number * description * they may also have different suppliers and manufacturers. So when asking about changing the Footprint for a part from 1206 to 0805, what is actually being talked about is changing from one part to a different part. Therefore, to keep the BoM up to date with the Footprint changes, it is necessary to either: 1. remove the affected parts and replace them with new ones from the library. At present the easiest way to do this is to use **Find Similar Objects** to identify and then delete all affected parts, then place one replacement part in the schematic and then simply copy that one and paste it all the others. A note should be made of the part prefixes first and then manually change all the replacements to the old prefixes or be prepared to reannotate the schematic and then deal with the changes when updating the PCB. Or; 2. use **Find Similar Objects** to identify all affected parts and then manually update each of the fields for Footprint, (using the Footprint Manager), Supplier, Supplier Number, Manufacturer, Manufacturer Number, link and Description. In either case **Update PCB...** or **Import** **Changes...** must be carried out to bring the PCB up to date with the changes in the schematic. * Note that if you are talking about making these changes directly in the PCB then you need to read: "The best way to design a PCB in EasyEDA" in (2.2) in (2) in: [](
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