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Easy EDA Ground Plane Error
1950 3
wzaggle 1 year ago
Strange error in latest EASYEDA Std.  It seems to be missing that a pad is connected to the bottom ground plane.  Often resolved by adding a trace to GND for that pad (already connected to bottom ground plane). However that extra pad location is critical.  Moving it often moves the error to a different pad previously thought to be connected to the ground plane.  The images below show that the lower left GND pad of the IC was reported as not connected and resolved by adding a small trace to another grounded pad.  Simply moving this small extra pad to a different location corrects the original error (extra ground trace no longer required for this pin), but moves it to the upper left ground pad of the same IC, now reporting that IT is now no longer connected to the bottom ground plane.    Looks like an indexing bug but I can't find any other patterns other than the errors are always on the left side of the board and the extra bug fix pad has to also be on the left side, usually below the lowest grounded pad, but not always.  Hope this helps. <br> ![EASYEDA GroundPlane Error.png](//
wzaggle 1 year ago
This error turned out to be the assembly component using a board outline around its layout footprint.  The other pads within the inner perimeter were not affected, only those interacting with the lower ground plane.   Editing the footprint of the component and moving the inner board footprint board outline to the upper silk screen layer seems to have helped the issue to be resolved without the use of the extra ground pad.
andyfierman 1 year ago
@wzaggle, Good detective work!
Markus_ee 1 year ago
Good tip: Do not use board outline when you draw user contributed part, component outline needs to be drawn on the top silkscreen layer. Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
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