Nexperia have some part numbers that have two parts to them separated by a comma.
This causes a parsing error in the BoM creation tool and breaks the JLCPCB SMT assembly BoM processing.
Below is a demonstration from this user post:
For example this is what happens when the Nexperia part "74HC595D, 118" is listed in the BoM:
The original part number field of “74HC595D, 118” has been parsed incorrectly by the BoM creation tool and it has been split into two fields:
“74HC595D" and "118”
and this has messed up all the following fields by pushing them one - and then further right where the same parsing error has occurred again; two - columns to the right. This has then also messed up the parsing of the **Designator** field contents of "U1, U2" by splitting that into two separate fields:
"U1" and "U2"
So the whole row in the BoM is broken because the column contents no longer represent the correct information fields:
