I lost hours of work! Have autosave set for 15 minutes. I control+S regularly. Looked through crash recovery files. Latest version I find is HOURS old.
Please help.
Check your Crash/Document Recovery files:

Have you been working on a file that you originally wanted to create as a Schematic or a PCB but that you have actually been saving as a Module?
Check your Modules:

Also check your file Histories record:

and Project Version Control:

Hi Andy -
I started the work as a PCB and then caught up with the schematic. All the work is on the PCB, the schematic is very simple, just a string of 18 LEDs.
The crash recovery and version history time stamps are NOT even close to the state of the design at that time. I am sure of it. I checked many of them.
I checked and there is nothing under SCH Modules, or PCB Modules.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can do. its an important work project and really need to get my design back if possible.
I always got the "Save success" message when I control+S and have a reliable internet connection.
Thank you for your help.
Some more suggestions.
Are you sure the timestamps are in your local time?
Have you lost the Project itself or just the pcb and/or the schematic?
Have you done "Update PCB" from the schematic at some point?
Is this a private project (I can't see anything like it in your home page so I'm guessing it's not public).
Hi Andy -
The timestamp is not local... How can I set it to central daylight time?
I didnt completely lose my schematic or pcb, just I'm only able to get back old revisions.
I do "Update PCB" pretty often as I change y PCB shapes and then update PCB from the schematic page. Is that a good way to do it?
I would like you to take a look and see my project and see if there is anything strange with how I have it set up. How do I set my project to public?
Thanks a lot for your help.
"How can I set it to central daylight time?"
Not sure you can.
In EasyEDA the schematic is the master document from which the PCB is originally created and then subsequently updated, not the other way round.
The problem may be that if you created the PCB first then unless you have created the schematic so that it has the same netnames and calls up the same PCB packages as you have used in your PCB, then every time you do update PCB then the schematic will overwrite the PCB.
Please see:
This is explained in more detail here:
"How do I set my project to public?"
Can you tell me what editor version you used? What browser and version you used?
I notice you said the autosave set 15 minutes, are you set it at “User preferences”?

the Auto save of the "User preferences" is working for saving the files to "Crash Recovery" ,not to the server. we will change the text description.
thank you.
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