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EasyEDA dark theme
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redjack 5 years ago
Last months I've been working a lot with easyeda and despite being able to change the background color of the schematics and boards, all the white surroundings strain a little my eyes, so I've started myself to modify the styles of the website to make it dark mode. I don't know if it's legal to modify the website, I'm only posting this as something I'm working for myself and may also interest to some of you. Is anyone working or interested in this? I feel dark that modes in apps that are used during a lot of hours can help a lot to the eyes, maybe my eyes have adapted to dark apps idk. (Change the category if it's inappropriate, I didn't know where to post it) ![Screenshot_33.png](//
deskpro256 5 years ago
Yes, I would like to have a dark mode for EasyEDA too. Good job! I'd say maybe try contacting support for that, as the work you've done could help them implement this easier and faster. Doesn't hurt to try! Good luck!
Gustavo Tavares 5 years ago
WOW!  I hope it become cannon!
Dakota Martin 4 years ago
There's an easy way to do it if you're using chrome. Click the following link: [chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark](chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark) Then at the top of the list click the drop down on the right and click 'Enabled'. You'll have to restart chrome but then everything will be in dark mode. It does darken the surroundings but you will have to also set the schematic to 'White on Black' to complete the effect. If you don't like it, you can always undo it.
Dakota Martin 4 years ago
@dakotamartin102 Mmm, seems that Chrome will block it if you click the link, so you'll have to copy and paste it into a new tab yourself.
HernanGM 3 years ago
That is very nice! I would like it to be implemented soon.
andreasbernhofer 3 years ago
There is an extension available that has some dark themes: [](
iamnotarobot 1 year ago
@andreasbernhofer Thank you so much I just love the darker theme!
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