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EasyEDA will switch the simulation engine from Ngspice to LTSPICE
10902 41
dillon 5 years ago
Hi ALL,    After 8 years , EasyEDA has more than 600K users , Every day, there are thousands of projects from an idea to a PCB.   EasyEDA's schematic and PCB are good enough for newbie and EE, next big step we will make the simulation be powerful too.  After a long research, we decide to switch  the the simulation engine from Ngspice to LTSPICE,  LTSPICE is the best free  spice simulation in my opinion,  Thanks    Mike Engelhardt   allows EasyEDA to use LTSPICE .  What will be. 1. We will redesign EasyEDA simulation interface, almost of  all the old circuits maybe need to change a bit litter. 2. We will have more simulation models. 3. We will support to import LTSPICE schematic and symbols Ngspice is good, but LTSPICE is better.  the new simulation will be released in 2 months. Thanks.
Guest 5 years ago
Oh man, those are really very good news... LT Spice is simply fanstastic...
LGChisenga 5 years ago
Good news, we are waiting in anticipation
kenjewell 5 years ago
Excellent news, looking forward to this.
UserSupport 5 years ago
Coming soon ![图片.png](//
balondana 5 years ago
Think you very much
balondana 5 years ago
Think you very much
neutronstriker 5 years ago
Great news, thanks for all the hard work folks.
Serjio 5 years ago
Thank you for the great job!
Yancho Zapryanov 5 years ago
Good news :)
mtryha11 5 years ago
Good job!!!
AGRATX 5 years ago
WWWWOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!! I always expected something like that
Shivam Batra 5 years ago
Great! I hope I don't need to update my current designs.
chityala.shailesh 5 years ago
thank you very much
IsmailHossain 5 years ago
Please Anybody Can help me? I need automatic stabilizer (Voltage stabiliser) schematic Circuit diagram. Input 90V to 380V and Output 230V. Transformer 5 stage system.
andyfierman 5 years ago
@IsmailHossain, This is not the appropriate place to post this question. You have already posted this question twice in the forum and have been advised to read: []( Please: 1. Fully describe your application and your requirements;  2. Do your research (i.e. Google is your friend) before posting back to EasyEDA.
andyfierman 5 years ago
Since EasyEDA has changed the simulation engine from ngspice to LTspice, the EasyEDA Simulation Tutorial is still applicable but for detailed help about LTspice please install a local copy of LTspice from: []( Note that the Windows version of LTspice can also be installed and runs almost seamlessly on Linux using WINE. Detailed help about LTspice can also be accessed here: [](
egerlach 5 years ago
LT SPICE released?  - I just installed Linux version. Seems to be the old version!
egerlach 5 years ago
@egerlach : I detected LT Spice link above, Linux version does not yet exist, okay. Running it with wine ... works :)
andyfierman 5 years ago
@egerlach, There may never be a dedicated Linux version of LTspice but it has always been written to run (almost) perfectly under WINE. * For local use you should install the latest windows release of LTspiceXVII. Although LTspiceIV is still available, it is no longer being updated. Detailed help on LTspice usage can also be obtained through this forum. :)
andyfierman 5 years ago
Please note that from EasyEDA version 6.2,  the EELlib button only shows a small selection of all the available **simulatable** components when working in the simulation (**Sim**) mode: ![image.png](// In Standard (**Std**) mode, the EELib shows a small selection of **all** the components available from the library: ![image.png](// More simulatable components can be found as described in the Simulation Tutorial. ![image.png](// * Please note that, at present, components in the **Spice gates** section will not work in simulation: they are currently under reconstruction for LTspice compatibility. **Please report any other components that do not appear to work in simulation directly to my username** Thanks.
andyfierman 5 years ago
The [Simulation Tutorial]( is in the process of being updated but in the meanwhile, it can still be accessed and still applies to the new LTspice based simulation tool. **Please note however that references in this tutorial to ngspice should be interpreted as references to the Help files in a locally installed copy of LTspiceXVII or here:** [**http://ltwiki\.org/index\.php?title=LTspice\_Annotated\_and\_Expanded\_Help\***](*)
konstantins.gusarovs 5 years ago
Any ETA on LTSpice import feature? Have a lot of schematics to put to good use :)
witor 5 years ago
Is there a simple tutorial for noobs showing how to use easyEDA with Ltspice? After ctrl+R in circuits that I had simulated in older versions of Easyeda I get a timeout error. Do I have to install LT spice on my local machine or is it suppose to work on cloud like old NGspice used to do? One little example explaining simple simulation step by step for someone who used to use old version of Easyeda would be great. Just hitting ctrl+R doesn't work any more and Easyeda is no longer easy...
andyfierman 5 years ago
Please note that the Simulation Tutorial is in the process of being updated for LTspice compatibility. The link to it in (3) in (2) in: []( has been temporarily changed to show the most up to date working copy.
Mayur Jawale 4 years ago
how to solve error while stimulation
mati12 4 years ago mathewos, pcb lib and 3d view is not working in my computer. how can i fix??
mati12 4 years ago
andyfierman 4 years ago
@mayurjawale444, Please read (3) in (2) in: [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
@mati12, This is the wrong part of the forum to post this question into. Please read: []( and post into the relevant part of the forum with sufficient relevant supporting information to enable people to understand and therefore to help you to find the answer to your question.
andyfierman 4 years ago
If you run a simulation and get a message about: **Fatal Error: Tran: Missing node(s).** like this: ![image.png](// or: **Fatal Error: Ac: Missing node(s).** like this: ![image.png](// then this may be because it is an old Ngspice simulation which has not yet been updated to run in LTspice. You can try to fix this by first deleting the big **_.tran 1 _** or similar statement that EasyEDA places into the sim as an estimate of how the sim should run: ![image.png](// and then, depending on what analysis directive that you have in the simulation (tran, ac, dc, or whatever it is) simply prefix the text of the statement with a dot (period, full stop) so that it changes from something like: `ac dec 100 1 1Meg` to: `.ac dec 100 1 1Meg` or: `tran 1u 1m` to: `.tran 1u 1m`
Krischna 4 years ago
Ltspice is if your simulations are more complex like in my case quite unstable. It crashed, got unbearably slow or outputted nonsense soo many times, but I also don't know a better alternative. I thing integrating it into EasyEda will make it even more unstable.
UserSupport 4 years ago
@Krischna Hi Can you share your design with public? we will have a look
andyfierman 4 years ago
@Krischna, As a long term user of LTSpice I have found it to be one of the most well behaved and accuracte simulation tools available at any price, second only to SIMetrix. :) It might help you to read (3) in (2) in: []( which although written for LTSpice in EasyEDA has some useful tips in it that apply to LTSpice when run natively. is an excellent source of information.
Krischna 4 years ago
@UserSupport Yes, how can i share the schematics?
andyfierman 4 years ago
@Krischna, []( [](
Krischna 4 years ago
@UserSupport @andyfierman I've created a public project and attached the schematics that caused LTspice to glitch out. If you want you can take a look at them. []( [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
@UserSupport, I am currently looking at Krischna's sims and will post back when my investigation is complete.
andyfierman 4 years ago
Replied to Krischna in their original topic: [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
The EasyEDA Simulation Tutorial has now been updated for LTspice compatibility. It can be found here: [](
troyant 3 years ago
Hello, I don't find an easy way to import LTspice .asc files in the site documentation. Is it something still in development? Thanks
andyfierman 3 years ago
This was supported inearlier versions of EasyEDA but was removed some time before the switch from ngspice to LTspice. If you would like to see the import of .asc and .asy files reintroduced please +1 this Feature Request: [](
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