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EasyEda Schematic - Check Nets Fail
3993 14
miguel angel 5 years ago
**Check net fails, multiple times:** Errors: 1\. Duplicated net validation\. The net validator shows me twice each output and input of the components\, in the first\, for example 328\_A4 appears well because it is connected to multiple paths\, but in the second 328\_A4 that appears with a red X shows no path\, as if simply not connected\. ![image.png](//![image.png](//![image.png](// Please contact me when this is ok, because I have multiple circuits to design this week and I must simply decide not to validate it because it won't let me update my PCBs. This design is in this: ![image.png](//
andyfierman 5 years ago
For something as complex as this, you need to make your  project public and post the link to the project or share it privately by asking support if you can add them to your team. See the Tutorial for how to do either option.
UserSupport 5 years ago
This net label or net flag is single, it didn't connect with any pins. you need to chek. at v6.3, we will change the warning status and show some worlds.
UserSupport 5 years ago
show some words. ![image.png](//
andyfierman 5 years ago
But why does the Design Manager appear to show two nets with the same netnames but then say that one of them is ok but the other is not connected to anything else? Surely if both net segments have the same netname and one segment is ok then the other must be ok too because in reality , nets are connected by their netnames and not by wires drawn in the schematic. Can't tell without sight of the user's project but I suspect the problem in this particular case is because the user has put many different net labels and flags on different segments of a net that they actually want to be all the same net.
UserSupport 5 years ago
@andyfierman for example: ![image.png](//
andyfierman 5 years ago
OK, got it. I was beginning to suspect that was what was happening. That is quite a subtle and very helpful change because now the Design Manager is not just checking that there is more than one _connection_ to each net: it is checking that individual _nodes_ on each net have more than one connection. :)
miguel angel 5 years ago
Did you mean, i cant do that: ![image.png](// (Join a net with another net)
miguel angel 5 years ago
@andyfierman I make public, the URL is: [](
andyfierman 5 years ago
Something you have to understand about EasyEDA (and most other EDA tools) is that nodes can be joined by netnames and by drawn wires. Net names are a textual way to join nodes: if you give two nodes the same netname then they are joined together on a net of that name. The drawn wires are a graphical way of telling the netlister that two or more nodes are connected together on the same net. If however, you draw a wire with a different netname at each end then what is the net name for that net? You can do this but as the screenshot below shows this can get very messy: ![image.png](// So, you have to think carefully about how you draw and label the nets. Try to name nets by their function and not by which device pin names they are connected to at each end. :)
miguel angel 5 years ago
@andyfierman Hi, I have one question more. At the example, if i need to join to nodes i will use a label, but in what cases i should use virtual net? If i have two schematics, i can join nets from schematic 1 to schematic 2?
andyfierman 5 years ago
"but in what cases i should use virtual net?" If you mean join nodes using only netnames without a wire then the choice is yours. Whichever you prefer and makes your schematic easiest to read and understand. "If i have two schematics, i can join nets from schematic 1 to schematic 2?" Yes. Note that if you use the Bus Entry symbol then you **must** use netnames on each Bus entry. There is a how to about this.
jaragon1 5 years ago
How did you solved it miguel ? I have the same problem, and I cant figure it out how to solve it
andyfierman 5 years ago
@jaragon1, This topic decribes exactly how to solve this issue. It might be helpful to you if you read all of this thread.
miguel angel 5 years ago
@jaragon1 I solve this following the [andyfierman]( instructions: > Something you have to understand about EasyEDA (and most other EDA tools) is that nodes can be joined by netnames and by drawn wires. > Net names are a textual way to join nodes: if you give two nodes the same netname then they are joined together on a net of that name. > The drawn wires are a graphical way of telling the netlister that two or more nodes are connected together on the same net. I have changed what I defined as "Bridges" where I linked one net with another net. From now on one node with "Net Labels" and I only place "Net Port" when I want a path to have a name. Example_ ![image.png](//
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