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EasyEda Libs should keep selection of symbols (EU vs. US)
1272 3
wolfgam 8 years ago
Hello support, when working with EasyEda libs, some symbols can be adapted. Xmp: Resistor US vs. resistor EU When the session is closed, the libs change to default values. In this example to resistor US. People from EU have to change symbols at the start of every session?! kindly regards Wolfgang
andyfierman 8 years ago
Hi Wolfgang, That is not my experience with EasyEDA: once I have changed the symbols to my preference, the preference is retained on all later logins. This is how EasyEDA has behaved from the very early V1.x versions. This is true for Chrome and Firefox running on Linux and Windows. What browser are you using?
dillon 8 years ago
@Wolfgam Maybe you don't allow easyeda to use your browse database. we can save anything, so we can't keep, But next version, we will make this better EU and US will be diffirent rows, no need to change.
wolfgam 8 years ago
Hi Dillon, you and Andy are right. The problem is, that closing the browser and open it again later, does not logoff the EasyEda session. So you have to logoff manually to take affect to the changes. By the way. No automatic logoff with closing the browser may cause security issues?! regards Wolfgang
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