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Edit Paste Mask Layer
1472 4
Jacopo Franco 4 years ago
Hi all, I'm trying to edit the paste mask layer in EasyEDA so that I can remove some GPIO pads that are not to be present into the stencil. ![image.png](// The pads seem to be completely locked, either if grouped or ungrouped. I see this is a property of Easyeda on other posts, but I don't understand how to easily remove them. Thank you in advance.
andyfierman 4 years ago
Your project is private so only you can see it. Can you make an example of what you are asking about into a public project and share the url to it?
Jacopo Franco 4 years ago
@andyfierman Sorry forgot to set it public. Just did it, `[you can reach it here](`
andyfierman 4 years ago
Both of your PCBs have a long list of DRC Errors. Please read and execute the checklists in (2) in: []( As it happens, the answer to your question is that same in either case but for future reference: because you have two versions of the PCB, one using headers on it; the other using an array of pads in the same locations as the pads for the headers, please be clear which PCB you are asking about. Here's what to do: 1. Make the relevant **copper** layer visible; 2. Select the pads for which you wish to close off the Paste Mask apertures;  3. Set a **negative** Paste Mask Expansion of equal to or greater than half the smallest pad dimension. For example, if the pad is 2mm x 4mm then half the smallest dimension would be 1mm so setting the Paste Mask Expansion to **-**1mm would close the aperture: ![image.png](//
Jacopo Franco 4 years ago
@andyfierman Thank you, that fixed it. Regarding the DRC rules: I'm aware of them. Some are related to the USB connector wich has the silkscreen going a bit too much on the outer side, but shouldn't be a practical problem. Other are related to some aesthetic solid regions that are not used in any way, so shouldn't be a big problem(?). I saw that there are issues with the accelerometer pads and the USB clamping diodes but I asked directly JLPCB about it and they said the clearance is enough anyway. I may add custom rules for those traces to make the project cleaner if you think that should be the case. Best
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