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Edit footprint from anywhere?
1104 7
martin 5 years ago
Hi, maybe I just haven't found a way to do this. But I think it would be really helpful to launch the footprint editor wherever there is a footprint text box, or from the pcb layout view. The way I do it now is to search for the name of a footprint... I must be missing something!
UserSupport 5 years ago
Not really understand, can you provide images?
andyfierman 5 years ago
@UserSupport, Martin isasking to be able to open and edit a PCB footprint from anywhere the footprint name is accessible. So for example when you select a Schematic symbol and the right hand panel shows the footprint name in the **Package** attribute, at the moment if you click on it, that opens the **Footprint Manager** to modify the pin mapping or choice of footprint. What it does not allow is for the chosen footprint itself to be opened and edited. When you click on the the footprint name in the **Package** attribute in the symboI, it would be good to be able to choose to open the **Footprint Manager** or to open the **PCB Lib** itself for editing. Althernatively give the user the option to open the PCB Lib itself for editing from within the Footprint Manager. This needs some thinking about to make sure that the user still has the option to apply the edited footprint either only the selected part or to all the other instances of that part in a schematic. * This feature would simplify and so speed up the workflow because it would save having to try to copy the footprint name and then paste ito into the Search Libraries tool to then try to find it and only htne be able to edit and save a new version, and then have to go back into the schematic to apply the changed footprint to the symbols in the schematic.
MikeDB 5 years ago
Seconding this suggestion
martin 5 years ago
Right! Anyone editing footprints on a regular basis has been confronted with this, I'm sure.
Guest 5 years ago
Hi This would be, without any doubt, a very important feature ... Several times I was faced this situation. I hope EasyEDA frequently read theirs users requests and take note of them ... Just a footnote: [andyfierman]( congratulations for your several articles. As long as I saw, all technically very well substantiated.
Guest 5 years ago
From what I see all of you were on version 5.9.42 . I'm using 6.1.37 and all stays exactly the same in what concerns to this request. This is a bad sign from EasyEDA ...
Guest 5 years ago
Thinking forward, another very important feature: EasyEDA should permit us to go to edit Schematic Symbol (graphically, not talking about its parameters) right from right click menu on Schematics symbol, instead of going to the library manager and search for the component we choose . After editing, EasyEDA should save it in our favorites.
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