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Edit points dialog bug
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Henrik Larsen 3 years ago
The Edit Points dialog is buggy. ![image.png](// This dialog dont work for the simplest thing. I have this situation, and when I try to edit the Y value selected above, so the hole gets inside the PAD, I get the error: ![image.png](// Ok, I understand that, but why are my values being rejected, when I actually try to fix the values so the hole gets inside. Instead I then try to edit the last leg of the polygon to make it a square, but... ![image.png](// And my values are not reflected in the drawing of polygon. So the value is again rejected and not updated internally. What gives ? One of the basics of UI development, in particular developing dialoges, is that the data in the dialog, should  NOT be tested while editing the values of the dialog. The values in the dialog should be tested when you press OK, and if a problem with the values exist, the dialog should present the problem and remain open. I'm stunned this passed through any testing ! Actually the quality of EasyEDA is getting worse every time i get back to use it. I started using EasyEDA about 3 years ago, and while more nice features have been added, the overall quality has decreased dramatically.
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