You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Editing clone changes original
1462 1
braddo 1 year ago
I am not sure if this is a bug, but it seems so to me. I would like to make a derivitive board from an existing one. I don't see the ability to "copy" a project, but I can clone. So, I clone a project and rename the clone, then open the new one, then change the name of the schematic and the name of the board, and save both. Then I make edits to the clone, and save - lo and behold, changes are being made to the original!  Problem is that I have experienced this multiple times. Of course after the first time I was more careful to do all of the above renaming, thinking that if the asset has the same name, maybe one is editing the same doc in multiple places. I tried this carefully and didn't see the changes I was making propagating to the original at first, so I thought, great that's all you have to do. But then after some time editing I look back and changes are starting to happen to the original. What's going on? I can see where one might want to have the same, say, sub assembly, be present in multiple projects, and then edit it once, wherever you are - is that what cloning is? How can I separate a clone from it's parent? I wish there were just a simple copy function for projects, but doesn't seem to be? Thanks for any help!
andyfierman 1 year ago
Please check what happens if you: 1. Close the original project, including the schematic and the PCB in the Editor; 2. Clone the project;  3. Open the clone of the project (the copy);  4. Make your edits;  5. Save the clone;  6. Close the clone;  7. Reopen the original. <br> <br>
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