If I have subparts spread acroos more than one schematic sheet then if I save, close and reopen a whole project then when I do Update PCB/Import Changes, the PCB Footprint for the subpart device is deleted and then added again.
If I have all the sub parts on the same schematic sheet then this problem does not occur.
This is a bit tricky to reproduce...
There is a project to demonstrate the problem here:
Description of problem:
I have a symbol made from subparts and i put some subparts on one schematic sheet:

and some on a separate schematic sheet:

and then convert to PCB:

,but after I save the new PCB and then **close the whole project** and t**hen reopen** the schematics **and** the PCB and **then do Update PCB**, I get this message:

and U1 is moved further down towards the lower right corner.
