I am a newbie and I am trying to use the simulator to find the operating point on a simple circuit, which is supposed to generate a square wave on pin 3.
Can anybody can please point me in the right direction?
project name: led-matrix-tester
V1 +5V GND 5V
R4 R4_1 R3_1 2M
R3 R3_1 +5V 1k
C4 GND C4_2 10n
C3 GND R4_1 50n
.param pi = 3.141593
.func LIMIT(x, y, z) {min(max(x, min(y, z)), max(z, y))}
.func PWR(x,a) {(MAX(ABS(x), 1e-313))**a}
.func PWRS(x,a) {sgn(x) * PWR(x,a)}
.func stp(x) {u(x)}
.func log10(x) {ln(x)/ln(10)}
.func SQRT(x) {(MAX(x, 1e-313))**0.5}
.func INT(x) {sgn(x)*floor(ABS(x))}
.func URAMP(x) {max(x,0)}
.func POW(x,a)
+ {(((a-(int(a)))==0)||(sgn(x)>=0))*( max(exp(ln(uramp(x))*a),0) +
+ (2*(0.5-ABS((int(a))-2*int(a/2))))*max(exp(ln(uramp(-1*x))*a),0) )}
probe V(VOLPROBE1)
Circuit: gooduntitled
Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes c4_2 and c4_2
Note: Starting dynamic gmin stepping
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes c4_2 and c4_2
Warning: Dynamic gmin stepping failed
Note: Starting source stepping
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes c4_2 and c4_2
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful source step
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes c4_2 and c4_2
Warning: singular matrix: check nodes c4_2 and c4_2
Warning: source stepping failed
DC solution failed -
Last Node Voltages
Node Last Voltage Previous Iter
---- ------------ -------------
+5v 0 0
r4_1 0 0
r3_1 0 0
c4_2 0 0
v1#branch 0 0
doAnalyses: iteration limit reached
op simulation(s) aborted
Error(parse.c--checkvalid): volprobe1: no such vector.
ngspice-26 done