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Error using imported SPICE model
1641 7
afmenhem 4 years ago
Hi Guys I'm new with EasyEDA simulation but familiar with other simulation tools and concepts. I Did what I've been told by the simulation tutorial but didn't succeed. I've inserted the opamp model as a text and changed its type to "spice" but I'm getting a error message saying my circuit is too complex to be simulated (it's just a potentiometer and a unit gain opamp. ![Captura de Tela 2020-04-07 às 10.25.49.png](// Could someone please let me know what am I doing wrong? Below is a link for the schematic file in case someone is willing to take a closer look. [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
Please don't make extra work for people who are trying to help you. Please just post a link to the public project in EasyEDA and not some external link so to a file that then has to be imported and a project set up to put it in.
andyfierman 4 years ago
You have shorted out V2 because although the negative supply to the opamp is labelled VEE you have used a GND symbol which over-rides the net name. Otherwise, well done and thanks for reading the simulation Tutorial. :)
andyfierman 4 years ago
Um, not quite. I replaced the GND with a VEE netflag and did CTRL+R and the sim ran. So I though that was the issue but I have since tried again and it does not run. So, looked at the netlis and for some reason pin 8 of the opamp symbol is not connected (just says 'NoNet'). No idea why. Investigating: let you know....
andyfierman 4 years ago
OK. It wasn't the GND symbol. I was wrong: the net name over-rides the GND symbol. Corrected it anyway. No idea why it ran just that once but the underlying problem is that the opamp Spice Symbol that you have used is broken. Please find it in the Search Libraries tool and do Report Error on it to say that pin 8 shows NoNet when a net is connected to it in a schematic. Please also post a screenshot clearly identifying it back here then I can find and fix it. I have also uploaded the TLV9302 spice model into the EasyEDA spice model library so you don't need to paste it into the schematic now. Don't know how or where it came from. I just deleted it and replaced it with the LM358_US symbol from the EELib and changed the name to TLV9302. ![image.png](// Please find TLV9302 DC test jig in: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Public\_user\_help\-ZmaYWw5FD]( :)
afmenhem 4 years ago
@andyfierman sorry for that. I just wanted to attach the json file but there is not such a feature here.
afmenhem 4 years ago
@andyfierman thank you for your help. Regarding the mode TLV9302 model I downloaded it from Texas Instruments. I don't believe trhere is a erro on it (maybe an incompatibility) because it runs well in the TI-TINA simulator but I deeply want to move my models to EasyEDA and support this fabulous platform. Regards
andyfierman 4 years ago
"Regarding the mode TLV9302 model I downloaded it from Texas Instruments. I don't believe trhere is a erro on it (maybe an incompatibility)..." There was nothing wrong with the TI model it was the opamp symbol that you had chosen. Which is why I wanted you to post back to uniquely identify it so it can be fixed or removed. The model that I uploaded to the library is the TI Pspice model. "...because it runs well in the TI-TINA simulator" To share projects please see Sharing in the Tutorial. :) AFAIK, TINA is not a "standard" spice simulator, it has some significant syntactic differences and TINA models do not run in spice out-of-the-box That's why TI supply Pspice and TINA models. The model that I uploaded to the library is the TI Pspice model from: [](
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