You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Error while importing 3D obj file in Cura
838 6
FabianoRiccardi 4 years ago
Hi, I would try to 3d-print the mechanics of a circuit. So I had exported the 3D model in obj and imported in Cura (v4.8). However it say that the obj file is corrupted. I had tried with different PCBs, but Cura always fails to open them. Does anyone experience the same problem? ![Immagine 2021-02-11 155126.png](//
Miraculix200 4 years ago
I just tried it in Cura 4.8 and got the same error message.
Miraculix200 4 years ago
Importing it into Autodesk Fusion 360 works, but it looks weird. Doesn't have the proper shape. Anyway, from Fusion 360 you can save it as STL for Cura. ![Screen Shot 02-11-21 at 10.22 PM.png](//
FabianoRiccardi 4 years ago
@Miraculix200 I can confirm that the file is not imported correctly in Fusion 360. The shape in not the same (some holes are missing) and the scale is wrong (Fusion 360 allows to set differents measure units but not mils, and I suppose that EasyEDA exports only mils)
FabianoRiccardi 4 years ago
Even Blender seems to have problems to display obj files from EasyEDA...
Therapietechnik 4 years ago
@fabiano.riccardi  The 3D export scale of EasyEDA is not mil but 1% of the Inch. ( mil x 10 ). This is strange.
FabianoRiccardi 4 years ago
> 1% of the Inch. ( mil x 10 ). I assumed it was mils since it is "standard". Hence yet another measurement unit
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