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Error: no such vector
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schneckm 8 years ago
Hi, I just started with easyeda. With my first small schematic I get the following error and I don't know how I can fix it. Error(parse.c--checkvalid): volprobe1: no such vector. I have shared the design: Can someone help me and tell what I'm doing wrong? Many thanks Michael
andyfierman 8 years ago
Hi Schneckm, Welcome to EasyEDA. The reason your simulation has failed is because you have used a schematic symbol that does not have a spice simulation model associated with it. Therefore when you run a simulation, no model for the MAX882/3/4 device is picked up and so no results are generated. This is what the error message is telling you. Unfortunately there is no publically available spice model for the MX882/3/4. :( However, if the shutdown capability of the MX884 is not important to you, you could try using the LM78XXEE generic 78xx series regulator model from the EasyEDA Libs in the left hand **Navigation** Ppanel. This generic EasyEDA spice model has several user editable parameters listed in the right hand **Properties** panel which would allow you to tailor it to make it behave in a similar way to a fixed output voltage MAX884 with no shutdown. If you need a model that more closely resembles the MAX882/3/4 then please post back as it may be possible to edit the LM78XXEE or the LM317EE EasyEDA model to do that. :)
schneckm 8 years ago
Hi Andyfierman, thanks a lot for your answer. The point is that I selected the MX884 device because of it's shutdown capability. My goal is to build a power supply for a battery powered transmitter. I want to use it in my home automation. The transmitter shall transmit a small data package when a door is opened or closed. The transmitter needs about 25mA when switched on. So battery will be empty very soon except I use a big battery from a car :-) Therefore I want to build this power supply. It shall be switched on by a switch at the door. This switch also triggers the transmitter to send a data package. During transmit a signal is set. When this signal goes to ground the transmit has finished and the regulator can go to standby mode. That was the idea. Before starting to solder the parts I wanted to do some simulation :-( I guess I have to test my idea in real world. But I will also check out the 78xx model from EasyEDA. May be I find another way to switch off regulator to save power. :-)
andyfierman 8 years ago
The first question anyone should ask before they start on simulation is `What do I want to find out from this simulation? ` Are you trying to simulate the whole system? Just the regulator enable and disable behaviour into a load that looks like your transmitter drawing current? Do you need to simulate the specific regulator or do you just need a block that behaves like a regulated PSU that can be switched on and off? If you really need to simulate a regulator could you use a different type that has similar features but also has an available model? If you really need to simulate the MAX884, how accurately do you need to model it? What features are important to you? What features are less so or not? If you've not found it yet, you might find the EasyEDA Simulation eBook useful. Have a look for it under the `i` icon on the top toolbox. Questions? Just ask? :)
schneckm 8 years ago
I only wanted the simulate a part of the whole system: the bahaviour of enable/disable the transmitter. But this I can also do with a breadboard. I only thought it will be quicker with EasyEDA. Yes, I have to learn a lot about Simulation so I will also read the Simulation eBook to be able to interpret the netlist on my own. Thx for your support. :-)
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