You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Error when saving - You just can save 1000 public projects
1040 5
Skatchan 9 years ago
I have never saved any circuits before but when I attempt to save I get an error when pressing the OK button. A small window appears containing "You just can save1000Public projects, please contact us if you need more" {sic}. I have no idea why this is happening as I don't have any projects saved yet. The error appears whether I choose private or public project and naming the project different things or putting text in the description has no effect. Any help?
andyfierman 9 years ago
@Skatchan, Sorry you're having trouble with saving your first project! I have tried a few saves in several different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE) including a first time to run EasyEDA so I got the guided quick start tour (in IE) but I cannot as yet reproduce the issue you are seeing. * Have you tried signing out of EasyEDA then closing the browser, reopening it and signing in again? * Do you see this issue when you try to create and save a new project or when you try to save a new schematic into a project (which you have not yet created)? * What browser and OS are you using and can you tell us what version of EasyEDA that you are using (click the **`!`** icon on the editor toolbar then click **`About`**)?
Skatchan 9 years ago
Ah, it looks like I was just being an idiot. The issue was fixed by creating a project first and then saving the schematic into it. Thanks very much for the help.
andyfierman 9 years ago
I'm still slightly puzzled by your warning message but that may be a one-time message that new users get on trying to save their first project (which was a few years ago for me now and the warning and error messaging has changed somewhat since then!) Anyhow, glad to have been able to help you get started. You might like to have a look through: (and if you want to do simulations: for more help. :)
berhoyt 9 years ago
This error message also happens if you open your project URL directly but you are not logged in.
andyfierman 9 years ago
Curiouser and curiouser... If I enter the URL of a private project when I am not logged in, I get: ![enter image description here][1] No messages about the number of projects I am allowed. [1]: /editor/20151030/56336325f245a.png
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如果需要转移工程请在个人中心 - 工程 - 工程高级设置 - 下载工程,下载后在 打开保存即可。
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