You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Export 3D file (.STEP) when devices have custom 3D models
586 1
alindsay24 1 year ago
Hi, I am not able to export my PCBA with the custom models that I created for some of my devices. The devices circled in green have custom 3D models that I imported: ![image.png](// When I view it in EasyEDA Pro it has all of the 3D models like so: ![image.png](// But when I export the .step and open it in any CAD software those two components are missing: ![image.png](// I've also noticed the holes are missing if anyone knows why that is too. Thank you for your help!
haidy_easyeda 1 year ago
Hello, I am a technician from Easyeda. Thanks for contacting us and sorry for keeping you waiting.  If it is convenient, please send the project files to my email so that I can find the problem.  [](  I look forward to hearing from you!<span class="size"></span>
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