You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Export BOM showing blank page
736 9
cjohnson 6 years ago
When trying to export BOM from schematic, it takes you to LCSC's site, but after the page loads it is blank. ![image.png](//
andyfierman 6 years ago
There is also no longer any BOM .csv or .zip file downloaded to the local machine.
cjohnson 6 years ago
@andyfierman The ability to generate a BOM has been removed? Why?
andyfierman 6 years ago
@cjohnson, Sorry, my post sounded like a statement. It was an observation and as such was meant to be supplemental to your Bug Report. Looks like something is broken in the BOM creation process.
UserSupport 6 years ago
hi can you try chrome? when you login lcsc, please try download bom again
andyfierman 6 years ago
@UserSupport, I tried it using Chrome and saw the same results as cjohnson and no local BOM file download.
andyfierman 6 years ago
@UserSupport, In fact, @cjohnson was already using Chrome... :)
dillon 6 years ago
will fix soon. Just because on holiday. Sorry
UserSupport 6 years ago
hi, it fixed now. please try again. sorry for this issue
cjohnson 6 years ago
@UserSupport Thanks for getting it fixed!
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