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Export EasyEDA PCB designs into a 2D or 3D CAD package.
6770 21
andyfierman 4 years ago
To be able to export EasyEDA PCB designs into a 2D or 3D CAD package. Several users have suggested AutoDesk Fusion but also please be aware that an alternative would be to be able to port EasyEDA PCB designs into [FreeCAD]( * Why FreeCAD? Because FreeCAD is a FOSS package whereas Fusion is proprietary and is only free for educational and personal, non-commercial use. Exporting to Fusion would appear to require conversion of EasyEDA PCB designs to EAGLE as an intermediate step which will almost certainly lead to further issues. Exporting to FreeCAD may be a smoother, less error prone process.
UserSupport 4 years ago
Yes, we will support export 3d file in the future. we are develop the new project now. it is a new PCB engine.
YoussefMosalam 4 years ago
@UserSupport i am really waiting for this function
Andrew Harpur 4 years ago
The ability to export to Eagle would be of great benefit. +1
hariskhalid 4 years ago
It will be helpful if we can export to eagle for the 3d design or we get something in the easy eda for that +1
andyfierman 4 years ago
@mqtt.nodered,  @hariskhalid, This topic is about exporting to a 2D or 3D CAD package not to Eagle EDA tools. Fusion and Eagle are both products of Autodesk but Eagle is not the same tool as Fusion.
Ismael Martin 4 years ago
Hola En que estado esta el hilo? como va el trabajo? tengo una impresora 3d y me gustaria hacer las cajas a medida seria cool¡¡¡
sakul 4 years ago
xpixer 4 years ago
Neo23 4 years ago
I'm for an export to Eagle!! That would make my job much easier!! Thanks
johnnysolar1 4 years ago
+1 this would be immensely helpful
eeak 4 years ago
+1                                        +1
pierow 4 years ago
**+1**       +1
Pallnita 4 years ago
+1 I need this!!
SmartPot 4 years ago
+1 -> need it urgent!
Chris Cullin 4 years ago
+1.  This would be such a great feature and make EasyEDA + LCSC + Fusion360 a complete workflow for DIY electronic projects with home 3D printing.
RaspberryPiDude314 4 years ago
Please incorporate this feature! I need it soon.
dillon 4 years ago
@RaspberryPiDude314 @chris_0887 @SmartPot @Pallnita @eeak  [](
Lesliev 3 years ago
+1 @usersupport @andyfierman Or provide an ability to export a step file of the the 3d pcb.  Obj files are not a great deal of use being non-dimensional so requiring scaling-not impossible to do but step is a so much better format and able to be imported in to all the 3d drawing apps i know.
mooph 2 years ago
+1                    +1
UserSupport 2 years ago
@mooph @Lesliev please try Pro edition to export 3D step file.
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