You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Export drill details for metalwork
1329 2
MikeDB 5 years ago
Is there a way to export all the mounting, switch or potentiometer hole XY details from EasyEDA (e.g. as .dxf or .dwg) for having the metalwork punched ? If not can I add this as a new feature request.
andyfierman 5 years ago
You may be able to do that in V6.1. See: ### 9.Export PCB to DXF in: []( In the meanwhile, would it be possible to either edit the XY placement file to only give the required mountings or maybe clone the PCB, strip out all the unwanted holes then export the XY data from that? I don't know if there are sites that can convert a drill file into a DXF? Or maybe grab a 30 day trial of: []( # GerbView # Gerber Viewer and Converter ### View, print and convert Gerber, ODB++, PDF and Excellon Convert to PDF, DXF, DWF, RS-274X, TIFF, SVG and more **GerbView****™** can **view**, **print** and **convert** **Gerber**, **Extended Gerber**, **ODB++**, **PDF**, **Excellon**, **PLT**, **HPGL/2** and other file formats.
MikeDB 5 years ago
Yes it's possible to workaround but it's a kludge at best.  For example for pots, switches and sockets, I would have to determine the hole centre position and lay down holes individually by hand on the cloned board as there's no field in the component file for this detail so that it could be done automatically every time the part is used (over 100 times on my next PCB).  This is very likely to give at least one error of course. This is a standard part of most PCB packages and whilst EasyEDA is of course free, it's fairly easy to implement and I'd be very surprised if I'm the only one needing it.
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