You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Export to 3D .stl solid model file format
540 1
KevinMRyan1903 3 years ago
EDA is really-really a GREAT tool!  I've made dozens of boards and think it is the best software in terms of the super easy functionality, parts library and ordering.  It truly brings PCB design to the every day engineer & hobbyist (it's even easy enough such that Mechanical Engineers (like myself) can make PCBs, Amazing). HOWEVER - I've noticed there is one feature that could be improved, which is the " 3D Model(.obj) " export function.   This current .obj export seems to be a graphics (surface) model, which is very difficult to work with in common software like Solidworks. If EasyEDA could add a true solid " 3D Model(.step) " function  (or .stp; or .stl or .sldprt or .sldasm export functions), that would make incorporating the PCB design (3D Model) into the final product CAD Model much easier/seamless. Thank you, Kevin Ryan
Lesliev 3 years ago
@KevinMRyan1903 I fully agree and know from other forum posts that this feature has been requested again and again over quite a long period.  However I am yet to see a response from the EasyEDA Developers indicating if it will even be made available at some future time so I suspect it is in the too hard basket and not deemed important or maybe even necessary. I did see a post by @andyfierman (Mr Fierman is a font of knowlege and always of great assistance on all EasyEDA questions) questioning the need for the option but I think that was looking at it from a EE perspective and not a mechanical engineering perspective where developing end products using the PCBs developed in EasyEDA  becomes an important part of the overall design process. Currently it seems EasyEDA will also only export schematics and PCB to Altium Designer so not in any format that can be imported directly to Eagle so you cant even use the Eagle/Fusion route to create a useable 3D model for incorporation in to projects in Fusion.  Although you can take the convoluted - Import to Altium then export in ACCEL-ASCII route but even that does not give a great result. EasyEDA is certainly a far easier product for developing PCB for manufacture by PCB manufacturers (particularly and obviously JLCPCB) than Fusion or Eagle, at least in my very limited experience but its major shortcoming, again in my opinion, is that poor/non-existant interaction between Electric Engineering design and Mechanical Design.  I imagine it puts a lot of people off from using EasyEDA.  And as all users of 3D design software have said the EasyEDA available .obj file format export is of almost no use at all. Regards Leslie
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