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Export to DSN - Scaling issue
1357 3
AALS_Eng 1 year ago
The export to DSN produces a usable file for Freerouting, but the scale is 10X too small. Whether the EasyEDA canvas is in mm or mil, the export is in mil, with 10x too small boundary and locations. All features (clearance matrix, rules, padstacks, vias, etc) are 10x scaled down too. Note that the \<resolution_descriptor> must meet the following: > _If the smallest dimension in a design has four digits to the right of the decimal point (such as > 0.0001), the must have at least five zeros as the least significant > digits (such as 100000). Otherwise, a roundoff error can occur in representing the smallest > dimension. For example, a circle with a diameter of 4.2221 has a radius of 2.11105 and > requires a fifth decimal place to avoid roundoff._ The _proportions_ are all correct in Freerouting, but (for example) default trace width rule of 8mils -> 0.8 mils in FR. Importing the SES file actually re-scales locations back up correctly, but feature sizes keep the 10x downscaling. Also, inner layer conduction areas are not exported. Exporting everything as one component u1 is a little odd, but functionally works if you don't want to move components around. This will be a fantastic feature when DSN / SES export/import works!
UserSupport 1 year ago
Hi i test at v6.5.34 and freerouting v1.8.0 it works good, maybe your pcb appear this issue, for whole pcb as a u1, that is easy and fast to export dsn, don't need to solve the footprint rotation issue etc,  and it can works too, so we didn't export the standard dsn
AALS_Eng 1 year ago
@usersupport -  Thank you for the quick reply: When I retried importing the SES file, it gets 10X  _UPSCALED_ on import, so it actually worked OK. To show the 10X question, here's what I get for PCB size:     ![PCBinfo.png](// which shows up in DSN as:  ![DSN5.png](// ![DSN4.png](// ... so the 10X down-scaling shows up in the boundary path, vs the PCB Size information. In Freerouting: ![FR1.png](// <br> Also:   The EasyEDA JSON file shows the _same_ scaling and size as the DSN: ![PCB5.png](//    So the first feature in the BoundingBox would be at X location of -217mil, but shows (**correctly**) at -2170 mil: ![PCB6.png](// * The EasyEDA UI and dialogs show **correct** dimensions and trace / clearance, and Gerber/NC output is _correct_ (_which is what matters_). * JSON and DSN are 10x down-scaled. * Import of SES file has 10x UPscale, for good result back in EasyEDA. **:-)** So - Even though Freerouting shows 10x downscale, results import OK. Next -- Layer 21 and 22 Conduction Areas in DSN....   :-) Great work on an excellent EDA tool!
AALS_Eng 1 year ago
 @usersupport : Now I see -- From JSON documentation, Internal units for EasyEDA are: * 1 pixel = 10 mil * 1 pixel = 0.254mm * 1 pixel = 0.01inch So it makes sense to export DSN/ import SES in pixel units- the "10X" scaling is normal. An Extension to add COPPERAREA to DSNs from JSON might work for ConductionAreas... :-) <br> <br>
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