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Export to PDF mirrored and combining
3356 4
saiko 8 years ago
**Feature Request** Brief title for your desired feature: Export to PDF 1:1 in mirrored form How would you like the feature to work? When I am generating a PDF to print for toner transfer method, I want to print mirrored circuit Also it would be great if I can select multiple boards from project to same PDF print Why is this feature important to you? Unfortunately I printed all and etched my board and then realized everything is mirrored :( And I couldnt find best method to easily make a mirrored printout. Also my PCBs are small, so I want to make multiple boards in A4 sized paper instead of wasting my resources on each board. This will help me immensely to finish my home fabrication.
dillon 8 years ago
![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20160408/5707a8597d979.png If you select the separated layer, you can mirror your pdf, If you want to merge the Pcb, Try to copy and paste them together.
saiko 8 years ago
oh wow thankyou. I missed seeing them. thankyou so very much again.
Cleyton 7 years ago
Gostaria de imprimir espelhado e mesclado.
andyfierman 7 years ago
@Cleyton, Você pode usar o botão 'Mergado' para imprimir as camadas mescladas, mas você deve espelhar o arquivo mesclado usando e ferramenta externa. Se você estiver usando o Linux, você poderia tentar usar a ferramenta de linha de comando pdfflip (encontrada no pacote pdfjam) para refletir seu PDF. Se você estiver usando o Windows, tente instalar a impressora CutePDF (software), então abra o PDF mesclado e imprima-o espelhado a partir daí. You can use the 'Merged' button to print the merged layers but then you have to mirror the merged file using and external tool. If you are using Linux, you could try using the command line tool pdfflip (found in the pdfjam package) to mirror your PDF. If you are using Windows try installing CutePDF printer (software) then open your merged PDF and print it mirrored from there.
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