Hi, I was doing documentation on a project of mine and noticed that there was something weird going on after exporting the schematic to a PDF.
Project link:
I had exported an earlier version on 21.05.2020 and that PDF opens just fine.
Later I did some more schematic work and wanted to export the changes again, but now there is a message saying I need some language pack to open the PDF correctly.

After downloading the pack, the PDF opens fine, but is it really necessary? Every time someone would want to open the pdf, they'd need to download the pack and install it just to view my schematic.
This is what get's installed:

Are there some characters in some symbols that can't be rendered without Asian fonts?
The GND symbols don't want to show up in the Ethernet page, but show up good in the second page. Also there is a 3V3 net missing as well as an inductor symbol missing near the 3V3A net:

Try exporting the schematic as a PDF and open it.
It doesn't happen on older project schematics.
Here is a gif of me opening the glitchy PDF, and then the PDF exported earlier:
