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Exporting circuit as ltspice
3445 7
Peterg17 3 years ago
Hi, I wish to export my circuit sheet so I can read it into my own software. I can easily write software that will manipulate it into any form I require. The trouble I have is actually exporting it. I select FILE->EXPORT NETLIST->LTSPICE FOR THIS SHEET This causes problems. My circuit has a microphone connected to a transistor amplifier connected to two wires that provide power and take signal. The first problem is lack of a signal source. An error "Current circuit doesn't has Voltage Resource or Current Resource symbol, please place it first at left side EELIB or spice library" (SIC) appears. I overcome this problem by simply searching for a voltage resource and placing it, not connecting it to anything. Then it asks for a ground, and I add a ground, again not connecting it to anything. Then it complains again at a lack of spice models but does provide a textual spice circuit which I can select. It has some extra components, and a line '.tran 10m' which just appeared. I can delete all this. Then I can delete my modifications to the sheet, including the ".tran 10m" So my issue is, and I admit it is fairly trivial, why cannot I just create a spice circuit description without having to modify my sheet? Am I doing it wrong?
andyfierman 3 years ago
It is unclear from your post exactly what you want to do. Are you trying to export a **non-simulation** schematic from EasyEDA to your own or some 3rd party software package using your own format conversion software? If you are trying to export a **simulation** schematic from EasyEDA to your own or some 3rd party software package using your own format conversion software, do you want to be able to represent the resultant file as a human readable schematic and also be able to run a simulation of that schematic in your software? It is not clear that you understand that the LTspice netlist which you are exporting from EasyEDA is not a schematic netlist. It is purely a spice simulation netlist which contains no graphical information about the schematic that it represents. For example, in LTspice the .asc schematic file contains the graphical information about the schematic that it represents but it is not equivalent to the spice netlist since it contains no model information. A spice netlist (in whatever format) represents the circuit connectivity and includes the necessary models or links to them but contains no information about the schematic symbols and wires or their two dimensional placement on a schematic diagram. If you wish to create simulatable schematics and run simulations in EasyEDA gen you must first read the Simulation Tutorial (3) in (3) in:  [](<br> <br> <br> <br>
andyfierman 3 years ago
Sorry, typos.... If you wish to create simulatable schematics and run simulations in EasyEDA then you must first read the Simulation Tutorial (3) in **(2)** in: [](
andyfierman 3 years ago
Sorry, typos.... If you wish to create simulatable schematics and run simulations in EasyEDA then you must first read the Simulation Tutorial (3) in **(2)** in: [](
andyfierman 3 years ago
If you just want to translate and open an EasyEDA schematic in some other software then you probably need to save and work on a copy of the EasyEDA Source json file for that schematic.
Peterg17 3 years ago
My workflow is to create circuits and pcbs, and bom, using easyeda, but to simulate a number of circuits and external components using my own software to verify connection and function. I suppose the best way will be to use the json file, providing my own modelling information via text elements. Possible, does not look that pretty. Getting component interconnects will mean looking for coincident coordinates. mmmm.
Peterg17 3 years ago
I have downloaded and analysed the json file. There is structure down to an "element" level, with one element per component and several elements per netlist. Unfortunately it is not possible to discover the component connection structure from these element strings. There are many coordinate pairs in strings corresponding to both components and wiring elements. Even if a component is connected to a netlist, the connection coordinate is not necessarily present in the wiring definition. The json file is just a large ascii blob at this level. So it must be concluded that this system is not suitable for obtaining general spice files for simulation purposes. One is limited to whatever environment is present in the interface, which I admit I have not explored, nor do I intend to expend any time exploring. It is incredible that the initial responder could not understand the need for this.
andyfierman 3 years ago
"So it must be concluded that this system is not suitable for obtaining general spice files for simulation purposes." That statement is not true. If you correctly create a simulation schematic in SIM mode and then switch it to STD mode to complete all the relevant BOM information then, back in SIM mode you can run a simulation on LTspice natively in EasyEDA. The only limitation is on how much cloud CPU resource this takes. If you hit this limitation then you can export the LTspice netlist and run that in a local installation of LTspice (in your case, using WINE). You may have to request some of the in-house developed models from EasyEDA which are stored in the cloud libraries. If you wish to run it in some other simulation tool then you may need to edit the netlist to suit and possibly recreate some of the more LTspice specific models. In STD mode, you can generate a BOM and then convert the schematic to a PCB. "One is limited to whatever environment is present in the interface..." I believe that is largely true of any software. "...which I admit I have not explored, nor do I intend to expend any time exploring." That is an interesting approach to learning to get the best out of a new piece of software with which you are unfamiliar.  "It is incredible that the initial responder could not understand the need for this." I and, I am sure, the developers are fully aware of the need for file interchangeability between different software packages and the limitations that exist in EasyEDA as well as many other EDA tools. Given that you have said nothing about what file format you would prefer for a schematic that you can open as a schematic and simulate in whatever your own software may be, it is up to you to write your own file conversion utility to convert the schematic in JSON format plus the LTspice netlist into your desired format in just the same way you would have to convert an LTspice. asc file plus the LTspice netlist or a Kicad schema file plus the Kicad generated spice netlist or the same thing from gEDA or Altium or Eagle. As you have said that you are writing your own conversion software it is therefore a little surprising how little effort you seem willing to invest in understanding how to  using the freely available and documented information from EasyEDA to do so. Other EDA packages are available. With varying levels of open standard file interchangeably and cost. :) <br> <br>
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